Amb. Francis Muthaura is the new Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Chairman effective today.
This old dudes wata tuongoza mpaka lini, you mean there is no young learned fellow who can head KRA!
This is BS. Huyu jamaa anafaa kuwa mashinani akisoma gazeti not heading a government parastatal.
Amewekwa to oversee b.s ya wakubwa wasikue rubbed the wrong way. Basically to protect interest ya some few individuals.
Tano terror.
What does it take to have a snap erection?
Old money has to be protected
Kweli wembe ni ule ule [ATTACH=full]172341[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]172338[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]172338[/ATTACH]
gathee CV yake ni ndefu kuliko lifetime ya vijanaa. vijanaa hamuwesmek
You would be suprised how young the guy would look if he uses some dye like babu
The Muthaura guy has experience but we need fresh brooms in the government. Muthaura should be writing books and doing lectures on governance or retired like Kibaki. If GoK needs him then it should be on short-term consultancy level only.
I concur with those fronting for a younger Kenyan to be at the helm of KRA. On the other hand, Muthaura is a well decorated civil servant, and is well known for getting shit done.
The Kenyan civil service is dotted with young, Michuki’ s, Njonjo’s, Kibaki’s, and others. It’s a matter of grooming these young men and women, so that we don’t end up recalling retirees in future.
I have full confidence that Muthaura will steer KRA to new heights.
I fail to understand why Uhuru overlooked some of these guys in his first cabinet.
A Viagra?..
How many does UK néed nimtumie.
A revolution is in the offing
Uhunyee I think has left the country on autopilot like MO1 did… I am officially joining #fcuk this jubilee shiet!
Don’t ask when meetings are starting late in all major government parastatals.
Is he still the chairman of Lappset?
Na tutaendelea hivyo. Recycling tu. They loot they underperform they step aside or their contract ends then wanapewa ingine kwingine. Halafu tulalamike then we still vote in shit leaders
And that my frens is the art of doublespeak.
Appointment 25 years late.
Status Quo has fooled shout ‘our tribe’ ‘uthamaki’ ‘tano tena’ ‘canaan’ ‘our people’
Dryfry artist nipewe kiti pia banaaaa