kuna bibi wa mtu hapo in the next 10 years ni video vixen anamwagiwa kumwagiwa
Beta male atamlipia 500k dowry plus wedding ya 2m na honeymoon ya 500k
yaani kama muziki yako haijagusa ngono and all associated with it you are not going anywhere? I weep for this generation
Alpha fucks beta bucks, don’t hate on young alphas those girls though
Kenyan industry is currently dominated by gospel music and wailing love songs za the likes of Wasafi artists. Enda uskize hizo kama umeokoka.
nowadays hata Bongo music is just about sex. Jamaicans waliimba sex wakachoka
Jamaicans ndo kings bana. Kuanza vybz kartel yeye wimbo zako zinakuanga zimejaa tu “pussy”…