Admin create a title known as ALPHA MALE and give it to some of us who deserve it. It is very diserespectful to be taken lightly by a beta fossil resident idler such as @gashwin or arguing with an omega hoodrat such as @digi ?
Alpha male = slay queen/diva, same theory.
It goes to show how men are having identity crisis these days, that you need to label yourself. What a sad generation.
chunga venye unaongea. Chunga sana.
Wewe chunishwa skuma Polepole bila kusumbua kijiji.
Look who’s hating " Bigfish1" … Kweraaah !
Seriously Alpha male najua ni ile ya Wolves , hizi ujinga mnashout daily ni uhomosexuality na u slay King same chieth
As an alpha male, sikutambui!! homosexual ni wewe
ladies please
Naomba nikunyoye meninges
I don’t need to because najijiua, I do not need any label.
The generation I come from, a man is a man, we do not need to label ourselves.
Kijana as an alpha male,I am Young Wild and Free! I can beat you up now!!
So when you have nothing meaningful to say, you threaten people you’ll beat them up?
Proves my point right zaidi.
Mr Alpha
@Bigfish1 wachana na hizi vipii zimeskia hio term last year. You’re right, alpha males ni kunguru ziko na male organs. Ni hayo tu.