I got this kind of allergy whereby when I wake up I get a running nose and sneeze so many times simultaneously you would think I got a cold but after a few or so hours I get back to normal has anyone experienced this kind of thing and what the cure.it also tends to recur when I take a bath . madaktari saidieni na wosia …
Uko na allergy ya baridi
waa ina dawa coz I wet my handkerchief hata b4 nitoke kwa nyumba.
sinusitis , or what many call hay-fever, unfortunately has no simple cure (last resort is surgery to remove the sinus), you just need to learn how to live with it by avoiding the triggers or just walk around carrying antihistamines , cetrizine works wonders, i guess you also sneeze like crazy due to pollen and dust
sure i sneeze so much kwanza when i get to a place with a high concentration of dust ,thanks for your input
change your blankets or sheets,you could be allergic to wool or synthetic,try pure cotton. if you are using a spring mattress ,check for dust, mould inside it or even bed mites,garden or flowers inside or outside your bedroom (window) release pollen and too much pollen count turns deadly to people.Does it happen the same if you sleep in a different place e.g gesti?:D:D:D:D Are you in mombasa by any chance?,angalia hio aircon,recycled air tends to be compromised inside a room.Otherwise nunua handkerchief mbili ndio moja ikiwa wet uko na spare
Allergic rhinitis.
Get AVAMYS corticosteroid nasal spray. Spray into each nostril twice before you sleep at night.
meza Mara moja one tablet ukinza ku sneeze asubuhi it works wonders
Did you just recommend a pain killer? Some internet doctor, you are…
yap funny it works from experience
does it stop the allergy permanently or its just for a while ? btwn wea can i get it?
am in nairobi and if if i go to shagz which is kandara it still happens coincidentally my mum also suffers from the same problems, i live on a storey building so i can confirm there no flowers and pollen things around.will maybe try and do some changes as advised
painkillers no i read somewhere that when your immune system gets addicted to those painkillers it reaches a point and your system will stop responding to those painkillers that why i cant either go with the option of taking cetrizine as someone had suggested also i really dislike medicine .
Try tobbacco, mbake/chavez works wonders… Then you will feel highly highly
You are allegic to something most probably dust mite shit
Pollen from grass is the main culprit. It is very small and widely distributed in air. Note the time of the year when your allergy flares up, my guess is its usually during the rainy seasons or immediately after. Cetrizine or any other anti-histamine will help reduce your symptoms, however there is no permanent cure at the moment available in Kenya. Mwanaume ni kuvuta makamasi kama kondoo!
Shida yako ni baridi. Nunua room heater. Make sure you heat the room before you wake up. Alafu oga na maji moto. Kama unaishi plot 10 ogea ndani ya nyumba. As you leave the house in the morning, put on warm clothes. You may also try adding fresh ginger in your tea every morning.The ginger part may sound too simplistic but that is what liberated me from many years of morning colds. If possible do not go for medicine unless other methods fail.
jaribu humidifier ,there are cheap ones online
Cabin/hay fever… Check the soaps if it’s too perfumed, oshanga blankets/sheets/house to reduce the dust… Halafu hizo zingine huko juu…
Cold air (and draught) is an allergen. I experienced this at KNH every morning nikiwa shule. The only real remedy is to avoid.