Apate adhabu
Na Bibi hachapwi…
Ni bibi ya wenyewe tena? Nilikuwa nimeskia anaadhibiwa ju ameacha kuenda nyumbani. Allegedly, if you’re Maasai you must visit home at least once a year na huyu kijana alikuwa amechanganywa na anasa za mjini.
sasa ndio atatombewa vizuri:D:D:D:D:D fukuza bibi wachana na stress,kutombewa ni lazima
I know I meant apate adhabu ( punishment) wacha ujuaji.
I find these beatings funny, it’s like the woman (wife) was forced to have sex with the guy… It’s as if she is the victim in this scenario not an adulterer… It’s as if she was taken advantage of like a small child…
These are some of the things that make me question whether women are equal to men… :D:D:D:D:D
True kama Ile video ya baba SEAN mwanaume anapigwa slaps Bibi haguzwi
African norms state that someone’s wife is a no-go zone. The men are enforcing the norm in the prescribed format…remember in other circumstances it could have been a dagger to the buttocks.
Shouldn’t the wife also enforce that at an individual level… She should refuse the advances of fellow men… Why is she being treated like a child and not an adult?
Have we got all the information from that short clip au una additional information about what happened to the wife?
Yeah. Let’s wait for more information and make a more sound judgement
Very true, I know a guy Leshan who was cohabiting with a mature Luhya lady with 4 kids one of whom was an adult. He was duped into attending a goat eating ceremony where elders caned him, and money was raised to take him home, where a young bride was married off to him, and come think of it 17 years down the line, he is yet to come back to the city.
Kwani alisahau kudunga mkuki hapo nje?
I know I meant apate adabu (discipline) wacha utiaji.
Kunguru si bibi
Kuna ingine ilikuwa noma. Ule mbuyu dere alirudi home, akapata mkisii kwa nyumba. Can somebody repost it.
Usually culture dictates that the kunguru is also guilty and her family is heavily fined (proceeds go to offended) husband as the jamaa enjoys team building.