Its almost 2 weeks recovery period. Now am ok and i have decided to complete my hekaya. Wale hawakusoma sauchu. When i went for my bro’s funeral i didnt tell her that i was coming. she was sending me photos of her pregnant but from mid january she stopped sending me and i kept asking why she aint sending me photos then all i got were lame excuses. I dont trust these creatures so i became suspicious. I found out from friends after calling them and they told me she aint heavy.
When i got back home i went to see her so i called her and told her to meet me. I use both numbers, safaricom and my current number so she gets confused, but when i insisted she came and i saw a flat belly. She bang’ed the door on seeing me and i walked out. i dint talk to her nor answer her calls neither reply her sms i went strait home to send off my bro. Kumbe i was sending money every month ya clinic kumbe natumia saitan. We were even planning after delivery akuje akae kwangu. She was otearing that money for delivery kumbe lab alishapata 411 kitaambo huyu alishachomoa mimba. I was just playing along for 2 weeks just to get her flat foot oh sorry flat belly. And thats what i did. and ok i will sample one sms she sent me “umefanya dunia imenichokesha, mimi ntajiua ndio ubaki na peace”
Villagers waliniambia nacheswo, wengine walisema hakuna mimba, wengine walisema mimba kama iko sio yangu. Regardless of the case nilicheswo. kwanza nilipigwa chobo. (kwa ma old skool @kush yule mnono @Tommy Lee Sparta @ngomi wanajua) but am lucky i found out early enough kabla niambiwe miscarriage. Mtoto wa mtu alichoka kuniona. @Luther12 thanks for the elderly advice. I tried my best but she failed. I also failed partly but am back on my feet again. Am not hunting for the ladies anytime soon. Nazeeka nikiona??. Anyway laptop mzee iliniconsole after kumuelezea kilichotendeka.:)[SIZE=2]Lakini malaya nyeupe lazima nikule[/SIZE] Wacha nipanguze jasho kwanza. Hizi ngamia kazi zao sio rahisi. Ni hayo tu. Ngoja kidogo. @karl marx hajawahi rudi? Nani amemuona. @imei2012 kesi yako ndogo haifiki kotini. yako inaishia kwa gate ya law courts. yangu nimejibail out and i have withdrawn the case. Jana kuna mwingine alifurnish keja ati he is a good christian he cunt sleep with her oohh mara kidnapping babaa kuliendaje? hata wewe kesi yako ndogo, margistrate atakutupa inje akiskia mambo yako.
Good riddance, bad for you and the baby, but you should ask yourself if that is the kind of person you want raising your baby. Ushaongea na yeye akakwambia sababu ni gani?
i have never talked to her and i will never. she was extorting money from me. furthermore alitoa mimba na hiyo pesa. She is not the type but i was humble with her coz of the baby.
ni kweli lakini ni poa buda nilijanjaruka mapema. najua mahali yuko analiaga peke yake usiku. me nishasonga. But hiyo kanzu haikunipita. niliipiga headdy
izza mjamaa hawa watu i guess wanatakaga kutolewa madness juu ukiwa mpoa wanajifanya majanjes nways trust me sai you are 10 times better mimi mtu wangu aliniletea hizo za kujiua kulikuwa na dawa ya mende kejani nikamtolea na kulikuwa na coke tu hapo nikamshow apige kamix kapoa ajibambe na mimi huyo nikamochoka she later texts me ati "utangoja sana"niliisha dedli nways nowadays kuna vile kuongeaga mbaya ndio zangu n its working amazingly
me nilimshow anunue dawa ya panya rat rat akunywe na chai akufe na vile amependa ugali nikajua ni psychology ananiletea. bado yuko hai. anyway hapo nimeondokea. na si ati ni kadem ka twente, kako thate panda juu, mimi vile vile
These hoes can be very conniving, i sponsored one for 8mnths with the believe that bol ni yangu…only for the baby to be born normally at"8months" ,that when it dawned on me nimekua sub all along…I learnt the hard way but i’m happy the experience opened my eyes to a better mwoman…so @Lab, Shukuru Sir Jah now that the “darkness” is behind you, n about the money, make more money coz ya mwanaume hupotelea kwingi…I feel your masaibu
pole mzeiya we ulienda 8months. Its better now you got a better woman, all the best. Kuwa radar this time round. Mimi 6 months i say ni poa nilijua mapema.
@ Lab,@Mrs4thletter it was not premature, hoe iliwa yanicheza from the begining.Aliwa a month pregnant akikuja kwangu…but i was too faithful to realise coz nliwa namfeel…bro i paid a heavy price for my honest MISTAKE
I cut ties then with her…she tried getting bak nikamshow she already made her bed n so she should gracefully lie on it…
Nilishampata one who deserves me n already ashanipe mjr