hi ya’ll, yesterday i rooted my pop c5 and installed a custom rom. it worked well for several hours and upon rebooting the phone. it went into a bootloop and it can even boot into recover upon pressing the power+volume up button. the only way to revive it is to use sp flash tool to load all the files i.e preloader,recovery,bootimage and all that. who has the scatter file or how do i go about it? please saidia hapa niko mteja!
umesakanya XDA forus?!
yeah no help huko but still looking
thanks @nairobilay… thats the clockwork recovery mod but i have seen a link where they have directed to a site that may have the scatter file… lemmi follow it. thanks!! hii rooting ni stress sana @ times.
auuwiiii… thanks guys. XDA FORUMS mambo yote. there is aguy who has directed me to some frnch site and they have all the files including the scatter file. if anyone has that problem as mine go to the site below. its a french site called phonandroid so i had to use google translate. thanks once again guyz! ningewabaia chupa nne nne hehe