Who has this experience…screenshot pap msiniulize tranfer rates.
Who has this experience…screenshot pap msiniulize tranfer rates.
Even after you land on the slow speeds?
Even after you land on the slow speeds?
si wifi iko on?
yap iko fiti… tuseme ni kuhama… ushawahi load bundles ya 100 (130 mb) balance airtime 150 and after 30 minute browsing you find even the airtime reading 0.00 no alert at all.
Surf with Airtel, Saf ni Mpesa only.
Kwani when did airtel do away with unlimited bundles? Coz I didn’t get the memo. Juzi Orange walikuwa na umama so I decided to buy the airtel 3GB daily unlimited. Hii ndio upus nilipata…
Airtel bundles are the best… Shinda network yao can fail you when you need it most.
wtf? wakitoa hiyo nitahama. cant cope with the unliminet crap
Yep, ni kama ilitolewa coz I spent like 5 mins looking for it. But for me Orange is still the best, for 990 shs per week you get 10Gb of data, and if you exhaust the 10gb before the week ends you still get to surf at reduced but very decent speeds (speeds that you can still torrent stuff with).
i bought my airtel modem because of unlimited. of late been using mwitu alot lakini wakiitoa unlimited then adios.
Airtel is only good in Nairobi
You lie, I was upcountry over the weekend and the speeds are actually very fast in less built up areas.
orange 24/7 anywhere anytime… No FUP
I’ve always been a SafaringCon guy through and through. It is only yesterday that I tried Airtel’s Unliminet and I must say I have been impressed. Sasa nitajaribu Orange - contrast and compare and then Safaricom SIM card nipee paka acheze nayo. Punda amechoka!!
ati u use safcom? kwani wewe ni mtoi wa Bob ConMeMore?
I have a twin Sim phone, to prove Safaricon and Bob Conmemore are thieves. I bought 10 Bob worth of data on the Safcom line while I had activated Data Connection on Airtel. Following morning I get a notification from Safcom that my data bundles were almost finished (NOT expired, they were valid for 30 days). Big Q, if not outright theft, how did the bundles ‘finish’ yet the Safcom line wasn’t active for data?
uwongo brathe range ndio fup wako serious nikama alshabab
you guys are now confusing us na vile karibu ninunue orange line?
nunua airtel tu ,the last time i used orange unlimited ilikua na fup na ukifika fup ata kufungua webpage ni shida