I need your help fast …if you log in online please come to my rescue
akina, @Deorro @Mundu Mulosi
I need your help fast …if you log in online please come to my rescue
akina, @Deorro @Mundu Mulosi
@old monk
Whats up
NGOMBE scrotum
my account is being hacked
Where’s the proof
Change your password
Change password then
hallucination ni side effects za arvs
the hacker amekuibia nini? upuss!!
kuma two step verification
syphillis halucinations.
next stage madness
Mtumia visodo detected, always whining.
njoo basi nikuonjeshe shimo
mundu musondo
I think umejibiwa
Tafuta kale kamomo ka gifs kakuekee moja.
Caution;pep are to be taken as prescribed please don’t abuse them.f.y.I if symptoms persist see a witch doctor.
Si kwa ubaya to other Mods lakini mm ule mod mm utambua on matters IT ni @Deorro . Btw deorro ile shida ya comp mafundi walini restore windows vile ulisema. Lakini sai siko windows 10…niko windows namba nane. Walinikula 40euro jo.
Jifundishe sasa mwenyewe next time fundi asikukule mbesha za bure