As you’re going to see in this video, being indecisive can cost you your life. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is absolutely nothing. The victim in this video was better off taking his chances either running away or trying to disarm the gunman as his friend did. Fortune favours the bold. Freezing like a deer in headlights-while a perfectly normal reaction-can also be the surest way to get yourself killed. Moving targets are harder to hit. If someone’s going to end your life, you might as well make it difficult for them.
Keep an eye on the guy in orange shorts, watch him to the very end. I don’t know if it was luck, divine intervention or the shooter deliberately missed his target. Whatever the case that man deserves an Oscar for that performance.
He’ll be telling this story until the day he dies.
Yooo, that site still exists? I was miserable when Reddit shut it down because of that Christchurch mosque-shooting. Thanks for the link man. Time to resume my morbid fascination with the fragility of life.