Off late most members habe been having trouble accessing kenyatalk on mobile especially chrome. To sort it out all one needs to do is change the ACCESS POINT NAMES on their phones or APN.
On Android : go to settings, mobile networks then select Access Point Names.
[ATTACH=full]25576[/ATTACH] select it then click on the plus or add a new access point
You will get this page
Name: give it any Name
Apn: any name too
Proxy and port leave blank
If on safaricom like i am then
Username : saf
Password : data
The rest leave as they are
Maybe on authentication u can select any you want from the drop down
Then save the apn created.
Next select it and use it
Those on Windows phone can follow this too depending on their settings.
Cc @junkie
Ukiwa stuck at any point please ask will be here to help. In case of other problems then contact us for help. Hope this helps.