The IEBC knows the truth and is saying something.
IEBC is trying to save Kenyans from future shafting
Didn’t see anything wrong
then you are on the right side of history or the wrong side of history.
Freudian slip.
Peasant in Chief
Freudian slip
/ˌfrɔɪdɪən ˈslɪp/
noun: Freudian slip; plural noun: Freudian slips
[li]an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.[/li][/ol]
[SIZE=6]Freudian slip[/SIZE]
A Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought. The concept is part of classical psychoanalysis
Kiprono has been fired and the Legend has gone home with this gem of memory entrenched on Kenyans consciousness. Back home at Elgeiyo Marakwet an MCA seat to contest await him.
Don’t believe anything you read on twitter
Hii ndio ujinga ya kueka emotions kwa kazi