A fool has said in his heart there is no God

There is this common foolishness assumption in this platform where talkers, deny the obvious that God is a lie and the bible is just but a fable of the dark ages…
…how could you people stoop this low…by the way there is no knowledge without God.
Outside God there is no knowledge…
And there is a fallacy with these God haters antisemitic bigots who think themselves so smart.
That veil that hinders common sense from your mind is called foolishness


Hio ya “antisemitic” inakujia wapi kwa hio story God ?


Can you prove to me right now that God exists without quoting the Jewish folklore book? Please ask him to swing me a slap. Religion and diety was invented by man to explain that which man could not comprehend. Science has since filled the void.


Can you explain how God parted the red sea for the Israelites?

God Exists. Have met him.

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Weren’t we like genetically tampered with by the Annunakis; they fucked up with our homo sapien DNA code developing homo sapien sapiens the modern day human or some shit like that according to the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians texts in them tablets; that the Bible is basically based on. We thought of them to be deities … giving them devine status. Our modern day gods and angels. All I know tho’ … is that; Religion is a scam.



Bro the revelation of God is never communal , its personal if you dont have it or if you have doubt retreat regroup and reorganise your self if you are looking for validation hapa kwa hii kijiji itabidi urudi sunday school mdau.


Wow, people furiously insisting unseen things exist and calling us fools for not seeing them too is just wild. God is Santa Claus for adults.

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Hakuna difference na bible stories and avengers


There is an inverse relation between the absence of scientific labs in a locality and the prevalence of superstitious beliefs and gymnastics. The more the labs the less superstitious beliefs and gymnastics and vice versa.


Why is it that whenever you question God, He doesn’t appear himuselefu in his glory to prove to you kuwa yeye ndio ule msee? Instead, you will observe all manner of busybodies creeping out of the woods to defend his honour and glory.

That veil of that hinders you from being rational and objective is inane faith.

Ongeza age of Jehova Wanyonyi is 40 years

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I know you are attacking the likes of me , but let me set the record straight, there is god mulungu who created us all and sustains us .we love him and adore him .
But if you are talking about the murderous bloody Zionist god they shove down our throats then go fuck yourself. We won’t abandon our one true loving creator for bloody strange murderous god

The creator who created the earth and everything in it is the only GOD I believe.

My prayers are always answered.

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Therefore if God did not answer your prayers and give you what you want you would stop believing he exists? Then isn’t a peasant wallowing in poverty justified to say God doesn’t exist? Is the matter of God existence a matter of fact or opinion?

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Yet you support god’s chosen people as they exterminate cannanites. Genocide in 2024 and yet you wont lift a finger to question them and their claim to the chosen land. Watu sio wajinga buana

They should continue praying. We have never been equal and we will never be.

Kila mtu na riziki yake.

?? what does this have to do with whether or not God exists?