A day in the life of a Isuzu mechanic in Japan - Amazing attention to quality

I used Japanese systems (kaizen) but didnt know they were this thorough.

4 year degree program to become a mechanic.
Then you have to pass a exam and licensure.

All Vehicles have a annual inspection
Commercial vehicles have mandatory inspection every 3 months. They check emissions, brake pad wear, dimness of headlights++++…


theres one time i said, if the japannese inspection laws were brought here, 70 percent of the cars would unroad worthy

Very nice. Shows how organized and routine their lives are compared to ours which are mostly random and unplanned.

No wonder they do better than us!

Nice post

Yet find out how many Japanese take their own lives every year. It’s in the thousands they even have this forest that people go specifically to out themselves

All this OCDisorder looks nice but robs you of your soul ni chasing paychecks tu. Huko loneliness, burnout, alienation from society seems to be the norm. Such a regimented life sidhani ni that nice

Hapa vumbistan life is more spontaneous and organic. Napenda how everyday is just different. One day am drinking keg and fwakin hoes in town the next am breathing fresh air, enjoying breathtaking views n eating a super tasty meal of free-range chicken ugali and mursik deep ocha.

Without having to kill myself over sijui constant improvement [kaizen] and ever present Babylon police systems. It looks good on screen but it’s not all that. Beat that vumbistan lifestyle anywhere in the world bro

You’d rather kill yourself ridding a boda boda…or getting robber, I know bro… :stuck_out_tongue:

How many do you think take their lives in Ke.?