How many single men of marriage age (above 27) do you know personally (not celebrities)? How many of those bachelors are actually rich? I know more than 10 and only one is rich, the rest are peasants and alcoholics.
Any man will tell you that the more successful you are, the harder it is to stay single. Women will use all means to move in with you if you start experiencing some level of success.
That’s why I don’t believe this MGTOW bullshiett because most times, its a peasant guy in his bedshitter or single room, who women don’t want to move in with because he is not successful.
I know for a fact that most MGTOW are losers in real life hiding behind that tag because they can’t get women.
The only true MGTOW men are the rich who purposely decide to stay single. You can’t be a peasant MGTOW because you don’t have options anyway. Don’t kid yourself. A true MGTOW actually has options but decides not to exercise those options unlike a peasant who no woman wants to date.
Stop calling yourself a member of MGTOW in your bedshitter or single room because you are not - you are an incel in denial - get over it :D:D
In my opinion, you are not MGTOW if you don’t earn a bare minimum of six figures. Huwezi jiita MGTOW with 10k salo…what options do you have anyway…heheh
If a negroe tells you that he is a member of MGTOW, and you know for a fact that he makes less than six figures, don’t believe him. He probably doesn’t have options anyway.