99% of MGTOW are Peasants

How many single men of marriage age (above 27) do you know personally (not celebrities)? How many of those bachelors are actually rich? I know more than 10 and only one is rich, the rest are peasants and alcoholics.

Any man will tell you that the more successful you are, the harder it is to stay single. Women will use all means to move in with you if you start experiencing some level of success.

That’s why I don’t believe this MGTOW bullshiett because most times, its a peasant guy in his bedshitter or single room, who women don’t want to move in with because he is not successful.

I know for a fact that most MGTOW are losers in real life hiding behind that tag because they can’t get women.

The only true MGTOW men are the rich who purposely decide to stay single. You can’t be a peasant MGTOW because you don’t have options anyway. Don’t kid yourself. A true MGTOW actually has options but decides not to exercise those options unlike a peasant who no woman wants to date.

Stop calling yourself a member of MGTOW in your bedshitter or single room because you are not - you are an incel in denial - get over it :D:D

In my opinion, you are not MGTOW if you don’t earn a bare minimum of six figures. Huwezi jiita MGTOW with 10k salo…what options do you have anyway…heheh

If a negroe tells you that he is a member of MGTOW, and you know for a fact that he makes less than six figures, don’t believe him. He probably doesn’t have options anyway.

@Karoga lete makende hapa. Pia wewe @Kodiaga lete nyee hapa

@Karoga coming in 1,2…[ATTACH=full]400904[/ATTACH]

A rich man who is single is either into random kungurus, lanye or gaaaay.

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The only guy you should genuinely believe that he is MGTOW is one earning at least 100k net and without children. Such a guy would genuinely say he has options and chooses not to exercise them. Not these ghasias living in bedshitters earning 15k or 20k and claiming that they are MGTOWs. What choices do such men have anyway?? :D:D

Watu wawache kujiita MGTOW when clearly its options they lack. Hata hapa Ktalk, I would think that there are very few true MGTOW guys.


Give these MGTOW guys just Ksh 10M and in less than one year they will be cohabiting with a girl. Take that to Equity and cash it. It would expose their true nature as peasants hiding behind the MGTOW label. :D:D

Very few men are true MGTOW.

Majority are just peasant bachelors who can’t afford to sustain a long term relationship - there is nothing wrong with that by the way. Lakini watu wajikubali.

Addict was busaa nini inakuchekesha

[QUOTE=“Azor Ahai, post: 3511256, member: 51535”]
How many single men of marriage age (above 27) do you know personally (not celebrities)? How many of those bachelors are actually rich? I know more than 10 and only one is rich, the rest are peasants and alcoholics.

Any man will tell you that the more successful you are, the harder it is to stay single. Women will use all means to move in with you if you start experiencing some level of success.

That’s why I don’t believe this MGTOW bullshiett because most times, its a peasant guy in his bedshitter or single room, who women don’t want to move in with because he is not successful.

I know for a fact that most MGTOW are losers in real life hiding behind that tag because they can’t get women.

The only true MGTOW men are the rich who purposely decide to stay single. You can’t be a peasant MGTOW because you don’t have options anyway. Don’t kid yourself. A true MGTOW actually has options but decides not to exercise those options unlike a peasant who no woman wants to date.

Stop calling yourself a member of MGTOW in your bedshitter or single room because you are not - you are an incel in denial - get over it :D:D

In my opinion, you are not MGTOW if you don’t earn a bare minimum of six figures. Huwezi jiita MGTOW with 10k salo…what options do you have anyway…heheh

If a negroe tells you that he is a member of MGTOW, and you know for a fact that he makes less than six figures, don’t believe him. He probably doesn’t have options anyway.

I agree…

Women will sniff out a rich single man from miles and do everything in their power to make him commit to a long term relationship.

You try to avoid them, the harder they pursue…

If you make the mistake of dry Fry then pap… They get pregnant.[/QUOTE]

I agree…

Women will sniff out a rich single man from miles and do everything in their power to make him commit to a long term relationship.

You try to avoid them, the harder they pursue…

If you make the mistake of dry Fry then pap… They get pregnant.

Am not surprised. It’s a typical negro habit. Loving to hide behind labels and excuses instead of actually working on oneself.

For that reason, I will be very rich and prove people wrong.

Bro, ever heard more money more problems? Hata afadhali that guy making 10k in simpleton terms coz at least he knows which women like him or don’t( most won’t). Make a little more and you’ll know women know no bounds. But again also, lose your sense of purpose na utajua. So the reason successful men rarely give total attention to a woman is the knowledge that it’s not about them as a person. It’s what they bring to this world/table

Make it make sense shagzmondo kimenyi;

isn’t it in their interest to go mgtow since they are peasants ?

Why do you want to make it look like it’s a bad thing to avoid starting a family that you can’t afford to raise ?

Infact it’s a great service to the nation and should be commended

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90k si mbali na six figures buana. Next year lazima ifike 150k kwa hivyo MGTOW=FREEDOM! ama namna gani @kush yule mnono ?

@chap kasyoka you can’t be MGTOW in your bedsitter at paipu

So what’s your point? Only broke niggas know bitches who like them and rich niggas don’t??

And yet they say Jimit is a peasant.


What did u surmise?