They work for some brothel called “massampext” ama kitu kama hiyo… They are forced to charge that, pimp anakula kitu 1500/2k…
Enda pale tagged… Weka location “jumba la mtwana” ama “utange”… Utapata mali safi, bei poa, no catfish and they pay their own transport to you… Website huku coast ni kujiplay
Years back the main street just past the bridge casurina hapo all the way to danka at night unachagua. That’s like 2km of pussy on both sides of the road.
Is Club Casaurina still open? I was there years back as a small boy and the population of lanyes was more than that of men. Watoto wa Shanzu College walikuwa wamejaa huko. I have never seen such a thing ever again…whereby the number of lanyes is almost twice that of potential clients.
I never bedded any of them though because I was still young. But I remember one of them offered to dance with me, and as were dancing she told me to buy her two bottles of her favorite alcoholic beverage in exchange for her coochie.