Its a fight for presidency between William Ruto and Gideon Moi. One Kalenjin there shall end up as a president
The Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau ( HNIB) reports that the Deep State and System are implementing an elaborate plan aimed at forcing candidate Raila Odinga to support The Cerelac Coalition.
- The First step was the Formation of The Jubilee Coalition Mechanism aimed at getting all Cerelac Project politicians on board. Plan flopped, only Kalonzo and Gideon Moi signed into the deal.
- With Kalonzo out of the NASA arrangement technically the next move was to get Wetangula and Mudavadi.
- Gear two was activated and a State Engineered Split was introduced in Ford Kenya. At the height of it, The State pledged to assist Weta and it was a deal.
- Mudavadi was then the next target. First the statement that other tribes should rise to power and not only Kikuyus and Kalenjins.
- Second move was withdrawal of Jubilee candidates in favour of ANC and consequent financing of the by-elections.
- The next move was targetting vocal leaders within ODM. Two key leaders, thought to be
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lieutenants are on the payroll of The Kieleweke Gigiri Secretariat. - The Coastal trip was next. One Governor was called to sabotage the tour by the ODM Leader in the County and he executed his assignment with a ruthless precision. Tinga had to cancel two key stops and some stops were a complete commentary of a fading Political Giant.
- The other Governor told off Tinga in Public, adfing ink to a book of separation.
- The Third Governor met the Gigiri team this week and the brief was to accuse Tinga and ODM of dictatorship on public.
- Meanwhile at the Port, a twist on Tinga’s man at the helm.
- The idea is to paint Tinga as a lonely man who has lost all his former strongholds.
- A weak Tinga will then be asked to endorse the Cerelac Coalition and ‘The Candidate, who will shock Kenya’ as The President told us. (Another son of a former President, maybe.)
As they look at a weak Tinga, they forget that a half slaughtered Chicken does not necessarily jump into the boiling water.
This is a General Advisory of HNIB, what you do woth the info, is entirely up to you.