Zulu Dancing Outfits

Have you ever wondered if Zulu Tailors have chronic cloth shortages when making dancing costumes …??? :joy: :rofl:


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Sex addiction is real

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SA na ukimwi ni synonymous.

HIV Aids is found on every Continent on this planet…
And SA still have a vibrant growing population of 62 Million …:blush:

They know an unspoken truth : clothes are only an added decoration, which sometimes eclipses a woman’s beauty. She can be beautiful dressed in just a set of earings, beads and bangles.
Not many are privileged to see that. :thinking:


Now You are Talking …!! :blush: :cherries:

Now you’ve spoiled it


Huyo mujamaa hupenda low hanging fruits

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umengojea aaanze ku turn ndio uzime video? :grin:

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They don’t have more HIV, they have a higher HIV SURVIVAL RATE. In Kenya, HIV is still a leading cause of death. We need to do better and match at the least South Africa

Unakuwanga na uongo mingi sana wewe