Yuletapeli rethinking his matatu business investment after competitors kucheza rough pale Embakasi




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Hio windscreen mtu huona aje




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Hio nayo ni madness by the way hizi nganya haziko biashara, the owners are filthy rich, wanaosha tu doo.


Niliona ingine dereva amezungukwa na 11 screens zinacheza music video ya msanii Tyga
I guess ilikuwa hii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjxulQ1bEWg

Nani akona picha za ile matatu shiny eye imeshikiwa matatu 23 na NTSA. Hiyo kesi sijaelewa matatu inakosa aje kupita weight ya mkeka.

How do you classify this madness?


sijaona but ni hizi buses za long distance za kuenda western Na ni kenha imeshika

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True zimefichwa till operation is over. For those nganyas to be on the road, zilipita inspection, why didn’t they ask them to make changes then? Donda na kadere wako juu ya mawe afew days


Shiny eyes buys SINGLE AXLE chassis from MANUFACTURER. Log book indicates as such (plus 18T weight limit)

Kisha he does juakali injiniyareeing anaongeza a dead tag axle and claims max allowable limit is now 23T.

Halafu he claims he weighed the modified chassis kwa NCPB scales…why ?..cz kwa SGS/KENHA scales the juakali axle would’ve been spotted zamani sana gari ikuwe impounded. Greedy man did it for ALL the 23 buses !!

Inanikumbusha siku za Wepesi…sisi we would buy the proper 504 estate (long/high roof) version that came designed (from factory) with sunken foot-well for passenger comfort of 3rd row, seatbelts in 3rd row and raised roof line. Shiny eyes would buy the cargo wagon and retrofit benches with ZERO legroom huko nyuma. Inafika point abiria hawataki kuingia gari kama ni kiti ya nyuma imebaki.


Hio windscreen dere anaona Kila kitu. Bleina bladifakin

Kisha watu wanashangaa vile ajali za matatu mnafariki nyote. Is this not the definition of madness hii nchi ni circus

Can such a Matatu generate a return, given how they can’t charge more for their services to recoup the cost of pimping it?

Hizo screens ni a hazard during an accident. Ni za kukatakata front seat passengers Kwa uso.

But Blecks will never comprehend Cause & Effect

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