It’s sad how this guy is going out after all the good tech content he’s had for years. The amount of people who have been washed by these sort of crypto scams is crazy alarming. Huku watu kama Xtian Dela ndio wanaosha raia na fake coin kama hizi.
Techlead will probably be going to jail as a dollar millionaire, 9Million dollars plus rich from a scheme he started with about 50,000usd.
@Nyamgondho your favourite tech reviewer is being shredded online…
The guy is going off the rails…
Like I said a while back.
Jamaa after bibi imuache aliamua ka mbaya mbaya.
Hizi influencer most of them wako hizi scheme, they don’t even care that they are conning their own fans it’s about that big pay but huyu Techlead amekula msuuri sana 1Bn kes from setting up with a mere 5mill !
[SIZE=5]Never heard of him, but if the allegations are true, hat’s off to him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]I can only imagine the charges he’ll face. Money laundering, Tax evasion, Investment adviser fraud…[/SIZE]
Yea. It seems like the wife leaving him did a number on him.
Check out his channel when you get time. Last few months have been like witnessing a train crash in slow motion.
He does have some unique insights into the world of tech though. You gotta hand him that.
The guy talking about him is just envious, period
Exactly. He’s been on self destruct mode. Wife ran away to Japan with their kiddo. :eek: But anyone with half a brain knew his shitcoin was a parody against crypto mania in general, lol.
I am one of his earliest subscribers. This guy has deep and extremely unique insights. He also attracts lots of criticism and I have watched a couple of such over the years.
One funny metric I have observed is that most Ytubers that criticize him get the highest amount of views ever on their channels from their “techlead is a scam” videos.
I honestly can’t vouch for his crypto but I also can’t vouch for other cyptos as well. It’s a high risk investment!
This guy is the real deal doesn’t shy away from taking risks and takes criticism head on. Doesn’t sugar coat anything, doesn’t even take sponsorship. Doesn’t endorse sheet. He is 100% authentic and very funny character. I feel like we share a few character traits.
This is an asian Nyamgondho.
You’re biased because you are a stan, if it was your money he had eaten your tone would be different. Watch those 2 videos well Techlead was caught lying on so many things concerning his coin that it was never bound to be an investment but a scam.
He also has the nerve to deflect & pull the race card when caught. Coffeezilla doesn’t really need Techlead to boost his channel he’s already got quite a no. of subs from his previous scam exposes. One of the few authentic exposé channels that brings all facts & complete research to the table. The truth is Techlead has fallen off big time & I doubt he’ll recovery from this although he seems not to care.
As I said. I can’t comment on crypto. It’s a very risky investment vehicle and even legit people like Elon Musk get roasted on the regular. At one point I was ready to invest Kes 400K in crypto but I did my research and decided otherwise. Mine is a general perspective not necessarily tied crypto - informed by watching most of his previous videos before he plunged into bitcoin.
One thing I am certain is that Techlead will outlive most of this criticism. And if he reaps big from crypto, then his eye for opportunities is nothing short of genius.