YouTube Ads

Nowadays watching a video on YouTube is becoming a herculian task. Annoying ads everywhere. You cant watch a video without an ad appearing either before the video starts or in the middle of the video. Kwanza hizi ads hutokea katikati ya video zenye huezi skip that shit is fucking annoying. Unapata ad ni ya 2 mins na huezi skip. Fuck that! Kwanza ads za bolt na betika inaeza kukasirisha sana.

Suggestions for an ad blocker.


YouTube vanced msee

Brave browser


I use AdBlock Plus never seen an ad when browsing.

Tumia opera browser.

Tumia Opera

Weka YouTube vanced na install pia microg ndo uweze kulog in through your gmail a/c so that it links your YouTube a/c. Link ndio hio download vanced manager from there follow prompts that’s it. It can also play YouTube in the background so good as music streamer.

Vile @Old Monk na moderator @King Robert Baratheon wamekasirika after kuskia jina ad blocker ikitajwa kwa website yao :




Use youtube vanced or else opt for firefox browser and activate ublock origin and privacy badger addons

Anyone suggesting anything other than, network dns blocking like pi-hole, youtube vanced or a browser with ublock origin should never post on this board again.

YouTube vanced experience on the Saf Big Box is Clunky at best… Navigation is a nightmare when using the remote… Was forced to revert to the Official YouTube App…

Ebu explain further on DNS Blocking using Pihole…

Brave browser iko on point… but user preference/recommended videos hutapata (which is good)

Mimi hupenda kupromote creators but zis tym youtube imeamua. Kuna ads za bolt na indriver hufuatana hapo with no opportunities to skip. Itabidi niingie vanced aki.

For Android TV or Android box derivatives, it’s better to use smarttube next since it’s optimised for those devices and it has an auto update feature.

DNS blocking is simply blocking a website’s name from being resolved into an IP address, effectively making the blocked site inaccessible.
Pihole is an open source localised DNS sink that will block known harmful or advert domains at the network level. This means that any device connected to your network will be unable to access blocked domains specified by Pihole.

You can buy a cheap device like a raspberry pi 3 and install Pihole server on it. Once that’s done, you can set up your router to use the raspberry pi as your DNS and this will make having to use ad blockers a thing of the past.

Ultimate Pi-Hole Raspberry Pi Setup: Faster Internet in 15 min | SHB