Your Wife Probably Has a Side D1ck

Among ever-married adults ages 18 to 29, women are slightly more likely than men to be guilty of infidelity (11% vs. 10%). But this gap quickly reverses among those ages 30 to 34 and grows wider in older age groups. Infidelity for both men and women increases during the middle ages. Women in their 60s report the highest rate of infidelity (16%), but the share goes down sharply among women in their 70s and 80s. By comparison, the infidelity rate among men in their 70s is the highest (26%), and it remains high among men ages 80 and older (24%). Thus, the gender gap in cheating peaks among the oldest age group (ages 80+): a difference of 18 percentage points between men and women.


Nasikia unaenda Maralal Camel Derby as a participating camel?


:D:D:D hii asubuhi yote?



Radi inafanya homework vile itakupiga ,why do this to a nguruba

Akiwa ama akose kuwa na side dick, unataka tufanye nini.?

Ngoja uone hii ngamia ikituringia ati ilikuwa namba 1.
Iko na stride ya 7 metres.

Tunasema mara kwa mara you 1st have to accept your wife is a human being and there are times she will be vulnerable due to many factors. There will be that time all the factors will be working against you and a fisi happens to be there at the right time at the right place.

Tell us more fellow sponsor and how to absorb the shock?

First of all, accept the fact that there’ll always be a greater fisi than you. There’ll always be a ninja who has more money than you, more handsome or has sweeter words than you (read smooth).
There is no perfect woman, man or relationship.They say in business, competition is good to get players ahead of their game. The same is true for love, give her ATTENTION, buy her roses, take her out to dinner, call her in the middle of the day. It’s been said and proven before that what we feed grows. If you fill up her time and space with genuine love and affection she will have no reason to gerrit elsewhere.
Don’t be too quick to react, listen more and respond quickly… even to the subtle unspoken words she is communicating.
But kama ni kunguru, bonne chance!

There’s nothing to tell really but if you pride yourself as a fisi and believe that you can bang most of the women you fancy like many of you do here, then you don’t need to ask.

Sitoki na sitoki…

Rudi kwa kitanda pombe iishe wewe bado umelewa :D:D:D:D

Ferking hell. Hiyo punchline imeweza :D:D:D

Kama yeye ni kunguru, hatafugika ng’o!

Again with time what you are proposing becomes monotonous and you appear too suffocating to her, my point is wa kutombwa nje atatombwa tu hata ujifunge pingu moja naye

In life Genuine shocks absorbers , springs and dampers will do !
