Your whole childhood was a scam.Kane never had a burnt face.Wrestler Kane wins mayoral seat.

As I keep reminding you, Kenyan Politics is like WWE. You have opponents who appear to fight each other - but you never see blood.
The politicians have put on masks to appear as enemies - and the masses, like the kids that cheer the WWE stars celebrate, believing that enemies are fighting. Yet they live in same neighborhoods, drink in same bars, and their children go to same schools.
“Kane” brother to " Undertaker" is now Mayor Glenn Jacobs. I’m sure the kids that cheered him wearing the mask cannot recognize him…[ATTACH=full]169256[/ATTACH]

hii waliona na ungoje uwabiwe lini…

Peeling the mask

Here we have a bling bling over grown man boy for governor and life goes on.

Diehard WWE fans will insist he had plastic surgery done to fix his face :D:D

people are generally slow

Very sad coming from a grown up in 2018.
We figured out back in the 90s, this thing was fake and out of a script.

I know a pastor who is almost 50 but whole heartedly believes wwe is real

True, I worshipped WWE and always thought WWW stole the two WW from WWE :D:D:D:D, childhood hehe:D:D

Wacha madharau.I very well know that hata undertaker hakuweka yokozuna in a real geneza.Yokozuna later died for real.

that explains alot

Wwe has always been an entertainment sport. The pinnacle being the attitude era. Nowadays ni umeffi tupu with zero mic skills

Niaje @junkie .Kwani uli dump @screwplus .Siku hizi sioni mkiandikiana lovey dovey messages.

He just won the republican primary…he is not a mayor yet

The fucker thought he was too good for me so I gave him one final creampie and kicked his ashy ass to the kerb.
Meffi yeye


[ATTACH=full]169464[/ATTACH] the fantasies watu wako nazo kunihusu are some scary don drop shit i swear

Google “kayfabe”

An uncle flew to the US when I was a kid. A few weeks later he called. Back then, whenever someone made a phone call from America, the whole family queued to talk to the American and the phone handed from one person to the next. It was on a Tuesday, the day KBC aired wrestling. On that day, Stone Cold Steve Austin, my favorite, was to battle The Rock, my other favorite. This match made me excited, edgy and confused, so I asked him who he thought would win and whether he would attend the match.

He laughed and laughed then the fucken son-of-a-bitch tore my heart to shreds. To date I still hate him.

Hi ndio tunaitaga gift of garb ama?