Wadau, ningependa kupata maoni yenu au experience regarding dating a Kale lady.
So,i’ve been seeing this lady who is a kale chick and this is the 3rd month,and hapo nyuma i have never though of cuffing her, since i love my privacy and freedom so much for someone to come and ask me why im late…etc
The only thing that has been on my mind is just hitting the pussy and nothing more…So these past two weeks,i dont know what has happened but nimeanza kuwa na thoughts of cuffing her.
But before nionyeshe dalili za kuwa serious naye, ningependa kujua how has your experience been regarding the kale ladies.
Nisiwe nimejipata kwa ile situation ya yeye kupeana kwa mtu wa kwao kwa ploti, given we from different regions,im from the lakeside and she is a Kale…
Go ahead and do what your conscience tells you or you want to listen to opinion of chief wankers like @Tommy Kwesule and wannabes like @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii ?
I hope she doesn’t drink. If so, She will soon cheat on you with her tribesmate as they koroga in kikale vile wewe ni mjinga halafu wanacheka mpaka unaona molars za mwisho.
Shida ya mkale ni ati, kama si born tao, ile siku atapata ninja mkale anatoka kwao, doing better than you…(you know the script)
But still, take the chance. What’s the worst that can happen?