Your gf ni Lanye

How to tell if your gf ni undercover lanye:

  1. Tattoo. Verified lanye tumekula sisi wote.
  2. Rude for no apparent reason. Tabia ya Lanye.
  3. She lives a lavish life without any explainable source of income. Self-explanatory.
  4. Piercing kwa mapua or anywhere else apart from earlobe. Car Harbor.
  5. She uses sex to manipulate you. Experienced lanye.
  6. Mlevi. Lacks self-control. Obviously ni Lanye.
  7. She has a negative attitude towards the male gender. Demon-Possessed Lanye.
  8. Uses vulgar language kila wakati. Lanye.
  9. Million cockstare. Only players know hizo macho, she has an empty stare like she doesn’t have a soul inside. Toroka mbio bro.
  10. Anamezea style zote kwa bed and she’s comfortable with oral. Lanye!

Usipotoroka sahii utakuja kujuta. Happy kudungwa-visu anniversary!

Not all are that bad, kuna mmoja tulikuwa na uhusiano na yeye kutoka 2013-2016 sijawahi ona mwanamke mkarimu(humble) kama yeye, nikimkumbuka natokwa na chozi. Mungu akubariki Pamela popote ulipo.

Some of them are really nice humans but species ni ya lanye. Consequences ni zile zile

Najua lanye mkarimu pale kantafu-ngoliba market. Hawa wa nairobi ni manyoka


And that’s why she remains to be gf forever.

Good for you.

Kwani ulikatwa mkono ya kulia?

  1. Ukimdinya uchomoe deki kwa coomer ujifanye umekosea uingize kwa mcoondoo na ako comfortable, run my fren.



Inaitwa the thousand cock stare… iyo nikikatia dem ata ajifanye mgumu aje najua tu hii lazima itaingia box…


Her eyes might roll back like The Undertaker’s, creepy!

i believe every pus5y in this world has a price

Ya’ll losers who pay for sex are so brainwashed by your beta tendencies to a point of thinking every woman is a prostitute. But I don’t blame you, one day you will get your money right & get out there and you will look at your older self in disgust.

Some women are prostitutes. Same as some men.

Ndiyo hiyo sasa my fren.

Yeah of course because evolution dictacted that in every species where childbirth is a big task to the female, then the females will be the ones to determine how the deal goes.

But for a prostitute, they want an easier happy life

In Kenya all pretty ladies do lanye side hustle if the offer is good enough.

:D:D:D:D master,unatokwa na machozi ama joti ukiwank ?