Young Men

Young Men (21-35) in Nairobi & other Towns
Please note that marriage is not compulsory. It is a very expensive enterprise. Wife & babies are recurring cost centers. They demand both time & money. Consequently if you do not have a regular/guaranteed source of income do not even think about it.

Before you invite a woman into your life & house think thrice. Make sure you have the financial (not physical) muscle to sustain her & your offspring. If your only interest is regular $egx, then avoid marriage. It is far much cheaper & easier to get copulation outside matrimony in Kenya.

It is UNMANLY & grossly irresponsible to willingly invite a woman into your life/house, then burden her with the financial responsibility of looking after you & your offspring. Kama huna pesa, kaa kwa mama yako nani, usijaribu kuo kabisa! Usisumbue watu wenu na vitisho ati utajiua kwa sababu Bibi anakusumbua!


Mikymas naona umefungua roho Sasa. Wewe oa watoto elders watalea. Bibi utachungiwa ama niaje

At least aknowledge #Collins Wanderi pale Zukerbergstan

I acknowledge no man. That’s some gay shit nigga

That’s plagiarism and blanket lack of originality. The mentality can never move you past your diploma or BA hons into postgraduate studies. Be nice


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Plagiarism shows how incompetent and degenerate he was at school couldn’t reason beyond copy and paste…

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unakuanga mjinga sana. why copy such a and not credit the source