Young Men (21-35) in Nairobi & other Towns
Please note that marriage is not compulsory. It is a very expensive enterprise. Wife & babies are recurring cost centers. They demand both time & money. Consequently if you do not have a regular/guaranteed source of income do not even think about it.
Before you invite a woman into your life & house think thrice. Make sure you have the financial (not physical) muscle to sustain her & your offspring. If your only interest is regular $egx, then avoid marriage. It is far much cheaper & easier to get copulation outside matrimony in Kenya.
It is UNMANLY & grossly irresponsible to willingly invite a woman into your life/house, then burden her with the financial responsibility of looking after you & your offspring. Kama huna pesa, kaa kwa mama yako nani, usijaribu kuo kabisa! Usisumbue watu wenu na vitisho ati utajiua kwa sababu Bibi anakusumbua!