young kunguru tbt

tina the 21 yr old kunguru

:meffi::meffi::meffi:elder hujui kueka findio?

food and nutrition…that was on tv? alipigia mamake akamwambia aangalie atakuwa kwa teevee?

Hahaha…enyewe some chics,does she even own behinds?

Atatafuta sana.

What an airhead.

Self absorbed ama? Ok. Now look at that woman. She wants a guy who drives a modern prado and/or a modern Range Rover. Of course there are guys like that. But does she think they are shaggin broads who look like her? And on top of that she thinks that he should be by her side. She is the one by his side ama he is the one by her side? Heheheeee…

Forget nigga being by her side, does the nigga even want her by his side or even on his side? Eish.

alikosa kutumia the right terms… angesema anataka sponsor…

kwani ye ni mjinga kiasi gani ati anafikiria anaeza pata bachelor ako na pesa na prado na ako single… huyo ni ule ako proud kukuwa side chic…

na kama unataka gari na pesa si utafute tu zako na uache kutusumbua na hizo outrageous demands zako

I guess we’ll see what we’ll see…lol.

Are u people aware that this proggy is scripted.

Niaje @Polmos

Poa sana ladies man.Unaendelea aje?

Mimi niko poa sana handsome.Unaona aje hii kunguru.Si ukona hizo gari anataka na ma ploti kadhaa

Hii ni meffi.Si wezi jisumbua na huyu.

Ata mimi siwezi shughulika na kama hii.Ni heri ni wank na supu ya nyama.Unaona senegal wanaeza nyorosha japan leo

Naona wanaeza.

Kumbe anaongea tu anajua awesmek?

Toa mpango ya leo basi handsome.

Wacha tutaongea baadaye ladies man.Nikona date tano leo.

You are tagging yourself and replying to yourself?
The ferk is wrong with you?