"you will lie low"

So now there’s so much love lost by Kalonzo’s statement yesterday as though there was any in the first place.
We have quickly and conveniently forgotten about the Madaraka day that was turned into a local cultural festival

The Mountkenya maffia will lie low…Hizo zingine ni porojo tu

Haina noma in a silly society they always blame the most hardworking and successful guys.

Ntimama said the same

Hata wengine wamesema hapa


Selective amnesia.

‘I don’t need your votes’~> Uhuru to the Kambas


‘You’ll have to lie low’~>Kalonzo to Kiuks

Equation balanced

Ntimama alikufa akawacha wakikuyu mahali aliwapata,Narok,Kajiado,Ngong ,Laikipia et al…so tuliza boli babaa.

Boro imeturia saidi. Tafasali apana misquote mimi Omogambi

Some people waste their lives trying to bring others down.na bado tutanunua mashamba huko,we speak one language ,money.

We’ve been lying low since 1992

to quote one kisii kichwa meffi ,hakuna mkisii msoto anaweza support uhuru,kwa hivo nyinyi wakisii wale msoto munasumbua sana,wengine wanasupport raila juu ya land,yenu ilionyakuliwa ni gani brare kwekwe

Wakanyama, who is uhuru to you?

We thank kalonzo for motivating us to wake up very early on Tuesday tukapige kura RWNBP!!!

Kalonzo amemaliza apathy ya @mayekeke . Watajua Kiambu pekee imeshinda Ukambani na Nyanza

Ina uma saaana when reality is being spoken.

With 12 year olds wakiwa na Kitambulisho its understandable.

Ile reality itagonga watu Tuesday jioni sjui watalilia wapi.

nko sure what kalonzo uttered zimechapwa repeat Kwa vernacular stations serious

what is this thread about?

@Circledot … Niaje

Vile @Circledot amesema…