You will hate @Gaines for telling you this but it is the pure truth

Uyu jamaa sijui ni umbwa ya wapi anajifanya ni kama hajui reality kwa ground or how the world works

Sijakataa. But how many of those people who start families when struggling end up in Muthaiga? Is it really smart for a young man to play that lottery?

You don’t have to be rich to start a family, that’s NOT my point. But you need to be comfortable first. Starting a family with a 30k salo is nowhere near comfortable especially in Nairobi.

Halafu most of you guys have serious survivorship bias. There are millions of people who started families when struggling and continued to struggle their entire lives. Those millions don’t make it to the news. Its the three guys in Muthaiga who make the news that guys like you read.

Starting a family when you are struggling financially is a very bad financial decision. You need to get comfortable (not rich) first or else you will get trapped in poverty.


Very true. Most people can’t live within their means.
Utapata jamaa ni bachelor but lives in a 2 bedroom house or even a 1 bedroom house but struggles to pay the rent or can pay rent but left with next to nothing for savings.
Nobody is saying live in squalor just don’t overspend on unnecessary things.
Same with children, people don’t understand the expenses that come with raising children. Just coz mzae alikuwa casual labourer na mlikuwa 7 siblings na mlisoma doesn’t mean it will work out the same.
Cost of living is higher now. Hata mashinani place daycare na pp1 was cheap fees zimeanza kuwa high.
If you are under pressure to get children piga hesabu and get watoto you can comfortably raise without compromising quality of life.
Importantly let your wife know what your goals are.
Wangu nilimshow I wanted to complete some training ndio tupange 2nd born kumbe gaidi alishatoa family planning kisniper. Mimi namwaga ndani with impunity kidogo naskia we are pregnant.


ndio maana nabaki kuwa AMG. To make it worse, hakuna reward at the end of the race

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hii nayo ni mshahara mzima ya watu wengi sana Kenya, more than half in fact

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Kuna reward if you are lucky. Ukiwa mgonjwa nobody will give a shit about you except your wife and kids. Emphasis on if you are lucky. Enda saa hii kwa men’s ward pale hosi. Who visits those men? Only their wives and children.

Kuna reward ya kukuwa na family. The only question is whether the investment is worth the reward. Sure, some kids turn out to be assholes and burdens. But generally, kids take care of their aging parents and wives look after their sick husbands.

I think having a family is a smart decision for a financially stable man. After all, the family will not impact his quality of life significantly like it would affect a peasant.

Here’s how I look at it. If you have to do hard and stressful work for low pay e.g mjeii, having a family is not worth the effort. On the other hand, if you have a cushy job and you earn a fat income, having a family is definitely worth the effort because it doesn’t come at a huge personal cost.


Very poor argument mr. gaines. You use money as the standard to start a family, you’ve failed from the start. Family is not an investment in any way, its a calling. The demands are not a joke, sometimes money is the last thing on your mind.

Secondly, kama umezoea solitude then you know what to expect in your old age. It won’t be a surprise. You already have developed that mental resilience to be alone.


Bullshit. A family is a financial commitment as much as it is a calling. Life costs money. You can bury your head in the sand but you can’t escape the realities of life. A family will cost you money whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.


For me it only makes sense if you have a GENERATIONAL WEALTH something that you can pass to your kids and grand kids. kama ile 900 acres ya @Billy_Drago otherwise, if you are just able to pay bills and live an average middle class lifestyle wacha ikae.


After forfeiting my inheritance and starting from scratch kama wengine, family no longer appeals to me. Huo ni utumwa unless you were given enough wealth to justify that decision.

Financial concerns will be there. But the idea that starting a family is a good investment for a moneyed person is improper. It should not be considered an investment at all. All that sacrifice just because you want someone to visit you in a nursing home? A wealthy person should first want a family before thinking how their money will be involved.

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Wewe ni Kijana Kumbaf.


Zimmer is Ok.



Eti wanasema only the 387,000 Kenyans who make 100k should have families.


No. Lakini juu uko illiterate umeelewa hivyo.

According to the village genius, you should have at least 100M worth of investments to start a family. WIth steady cashflows of at least 1M per month. Anything less, you will struggle.


Elder izo irreducible minimum anaweka si vifua zetu zitawaka moto?

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Primary school teachers huko ushago raise 5 kids and educate them mpaka university without a sweat. Na wamejenga 4 bdrm ushago. So hii maneno ya needing >100k per month to start a family is upus.

My simple opinion- Kama unajua uko na madeni na unaishi rental… Sahau maneno ya expensive schools for your children… Focus on investments zinaweza jilipa before mtoi aingie high school /university.
Pressure za dunia hazitawai kuisha… Wenye wamejipanga poa hali ya familia na pesa ndio huwa na haki ya kufloss however kublance both aint easy. It requires patience and heavy commitment

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I know a guy paying Ksh 600,000 per month for two kids in an international school pale thika road( pressure za bibi). Hustle zake zimegonga mwamba.Anaishi rental ya 100K. The guy is in a stalemate. Ashauza TX. Depression knocking