Yes Rasta!

Take your troubles to Selassie, he’s the only King of Kings. #SelassieIsTheChapel

We gonna chase those crazy baldheads out of town (bob)

“…weep no more, children weep no more! Jah will never give power to a baldhead…”

Ujaambia @Makonika poa


Huyu jamaa amechanganikiwa after handcheck… Sasa amekuwa mnutty kuliko Capleton… Ebu go back to siasa and UON stories

If you are a big big tree,we are a small axe. Ready to cut you down.

@Makonika :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Streaker niwache priss.

Even The Most High does not recognize baldheads. @Makonika so wewe ni engineer,engineer your own ‘heaven’ serre…