So I clinched this service contract with this organization back in Feb, did the work and submitted the final report that was accepted by the management by end of April, lakini when I go to claim for the final payment they have new regulations… sijui their donor needs an INVOICE and receipt for all costs, where on earth do I get an invoice for accommodation in Moyale, Isiolo, Namanga, lunch, water,
I get the feeling that this FM just wants a cut from my hard earned cash but he doesn’t know to ask for it,
Any suggestions on how to deal with this issue without burning bridges as I am already on another assignment with the same organization but funded different donor
I have provided genuine receipts, but now the FM wants invoices for accommodation…, getting a receipt from some of this places is so hard
Thanks, Yenyewe I might have to generate my own invoices
next time remember 2 ask a reciept 4 every expense, used 2 work around all those routes u ve mentioned (except namanga) years back & reciepts were always & readily available… Unless u were sleeping @ make-shift lodges/guest-houses ama kwa gari if u were using one…