Yemeni Kenyans & the first Miguna Miguna of Kenya

Most of the Kenyan Arabs live in Coast Province, more than half of them in Mombasa.
Over 99% of the Arab residents have Kenyan citizenship, speak Swahili rather than Arabic.
A big chunk of Kenyan Arabs are from Yemen, and specifically those referred to as Shihiri. It literally means people of Shihr, a port city of Hadramawt, southeast Yemen, but it came to be applied to people of Hadrami descent in general on the Swahili coast. Arabs from Hadrami established connections with the East African coast further back in the pre-islamic past.
There is also a second stock of Arabs from South Arabia who came much later but it’s not easy to distinguish the latter from the former easily anymore.


Traders plied the Indian Ocean, the Arabia Sea and the East African coast in search of trading commodities before the birth of Islam . With the advent and spread of Islam, and subsequent settlement of Muslims on the East Africa, Islam was introduced into the region. By the 14th century, rapid commercial, immigration and cross cultural contacts between the two regions intensified.

Arabs integrated better with the Kenyan community. Their commercial activities, pastimes and engagements required them to build closer relations with the locals. Intermarriages with the locals was not uncommon and the evidence can be seen in Old Town Mombasa. Kenyans are known to poke fun at each other along ethnic lines. Just to understand how well Arabs integrated, it has been making news whenever an South Asian makes it to Kenyan parliament on popular vote. After more than 100 years, most South Asians still struggle to integrate. Meanwhile, most Kenyans who lived through the Moi Era remember

Shariff Nassir, Mwamvita kutoka Mvita anaependa Vita, Pun intended


His son AbdulSwammad is a regular these days

A more famous Leader of Yemeni origins Mr Balala

Not to be confused with the First Miguna Miguna, aka, Deportee Bwoy, Mr. Khalid Balala of the IPK

I don’t know what you think about this guy but personally, I believe he was a multi-party democracy icon who suffered for it. The government was probably scared of Islam being used to consolidate votes under the IPK. I think it’s worse now since tribe is used for the same purpose. Anywho, Takbeer !

Omani Arabs tended to proliferate around Tanzania and its hinterland, all the way to Burundi

and there’s a lot more info on Kenyan and in general East African Arabs out there, go for it if it interests you.
Sand sana.

ni heri wahindi.

To be honest heri waarabu a thousand times. Indian in Kenya have literally added shit all to Kenyan culture, they usually segregate themselves to a particular corner of a city and go as far as frustrating the possibility of having African tenants in these estates. The first thing that comes to Kenyans when they hear of Arabs ni mistreatment of maids in Saudi Arabia. Truth is there are many different Arabs with distinct characteristics coming from very different countries. Kwanza the Arabs in Mombasa have integrated so well with the local population it’s astonishing. Have lived with them and they are usually very warm people if you know them vizuri but hawapendi wezi huku.

Hawa ni waarabu ama waswahili?

Said the Somali :D:D:D

Saudi Arabia is about to bomb this thread.

I live in Eastleigh, my next door neighbour of 3 years is a Kikuyu. Absolutely no one will restrict you in any way from residing in Eastleigh. It’s all about choice my friend.

Ocha kwenu ni wapi ?


Do you let Kalenjins buy land over there ?

I have no land there but venye mkubwa alisema willing buyer willing seller. When was the last time you heard of Somali locals attacking other tribes in their lands kapedo or Turkana style?

Waarabu wa Kenya huko Uarabuni ni Waarabu mwitu.

Mkoa upi ambapo wafanyakazi wa umma wamekuwa wakiwindwa kama bata kwa miongo mmoja sasa ?
Its always alleged the assailants are from a neighboring country.

Funny how these alien invaders zero in on only non-Somalis instead of attacking all Kenyans they encounter equally.

They are no longer pure Arabs they have integrated with the local people unlike the indians who marry their cousins in segregated communities


They don’t look the same and Kiarabu yao haifikii ya wenyeji.

But there are some black arabs in Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

Kiarabu yao ni fluent, plus they’re considered ancestral Arabs, their ancestral lineage makes them Arabs by default, blacks who’ve been there tangia enzi za mtume.

Were they taken there as slaves or what?

Which ones do not look Arab??You are confusing Arabs with Swahilis.
My Arab cousins look as Arab as they come. Have you been to Lamu? Others do not even look Yemeni,Leave alone Arab.
There is no ‘Kienyeji’ Arabic. Arabic has like close to 100 dialects. A Sudanese Arab cannot understand Hijazi Arabic(exceptions being the Rashaida Arabs) the rhotism of South Iraqis is much disliked by North African Arabs and my experience with Lebanese Arabic is that it is very much like singing (a phenomenon also found in Levantine Arabic of Damascus and Aleppo as well as North Iraqi Arabic)
If you are referring to Quranic Arabic. All Arabs and Swahilis can speak it but it is of little use in this country.Even in other Arab nations, nobody speaks it on the street(oddly, all their tv stations except for those in Egypt are in Quranic Arabic but I assume it is because Egypt is the only Arab speaking country with onepredominant dialect.The rest have more than one).