Hawa watu wanasoma kuwa astronauts?? Na hawajahesabu pesa ya exams na trips hapo. Birrioneas mtuambie ni nini wanasoma huko.
Hawa watu wanasoma kuwa astronauts?? Na hawajahesabu pesa ya exams na trips hapo. Birrioneas mtuambie ni nini wanasoma huko.
In my opinion International Schools make more sense for diplomats, consular staff, and businessmen or anyone who moves his family around the globe a lot. Sijawahi elewa how someone whose family is in Kenya 24/7 derives total utility from an International System. The rationale for globetrotters is, huwezi toka KCSE, then after 2 years mhame upeleke mtoto Arbitur, then after 5 years mhame tena aanze another system in Colombia e.t.c.
But yeah, products of international school seem to have an “it” factor. And are somewhat more socially confident. Plus networking I would suppose.
Tafuta pesa ndo uache wivu kaa mumama.
Shifu Wacha hizo,sema huezi afford:D
It makes sense in USD/GBP/EUR. I.e hiyo 3,750,000 annually ni just $32k per year which is affordable for an expat who would have spent $50k per year in the US for the same quality of education.
Pia inawasave pesa. A similar institution in UK/US and such countries can cost slightly higher than Kenya yet the quality is the same. But yeah vile umesema the “it” factor really matters a lot and any Kenyan who can cough up that money should definitely pursue that option. It would pay off in the end.
I can afford but won’t pay
I would guess that quality of education is free in the US,
Yeap, but there are private schools in the US that charge $50k. My bad right there.
Sure there are private schools there that charge such amounts, but I guess most expatriates who work here, when back in the US have their kids in the public education sector.
Lakini from experience most of the expatriates, especially americans here have the school fees paid by the employing company, the idea is to keep them at the same level as they would have been back in the US, its like being posted to a hardship area and being given a hardship allowance.
Ohh so ii makes perfect sense even.
Most of the students in these schools, especially the foreigners, are the kids of diplomats and senior NGO/multinational staffers. Their employers pay the fees for them.
Majority of learners at brookhouse school are locals
Ghasiaa … leta mtoto hapa greensteds international ucheze league ya wazito, hutaoneshwa kivumbi, ukune io kipara yako hadi utii …
Expats don’t pay. It’s their organizations/employers who pay.
Have it in mind that the organization could be paying the fees, sio from the expat’s pocket. And not just one kid
That so called expat would have taken his kids to public schools.
The average expat lives a very average life back at home
Then swali ingine, why are whites working in other countries “expats” but other races working in white countries are “immigrants”. Maybe we should also start calling them immigrants.
Expats because they plan to go back ;hired for their ‘special’ skills
Immigrants - have no plans of going back home.