:D:D huyo ni @Female Perspective
BUT THE BITCH KEPT IT 100 if this is real then its
@cortedivoire umemulikwa
Its fake and scripted…you guys should know better! Ni watu wa twirra wanataka kutrendisha meffi!
Im not quite sure…this one seems quite real. The flow of the conversation is organic…
Still a chance its fake but im kinda believing it
excuse me i will go puke now
Fake News
@nairobilay akisema ni real ni real.
I think I will too
the kind of fetish some people harbor. I also read the Arab Sheikhs like being shit on by kina Vera Sidika and hoes.
Nomaa sanahttp://picture
I actually believe it ,
There was a girl in highschool who used to tell us how she would let her bf poop on her and then lick the guys anal area till its clean .It’s called scat fetish
Variation of The brown necktie???[ATTACH=full]112760[/ATTACH]
OH shait!
which high school? I bet not in Kenya.