WTF African Bonobos shitting on African Americans once they make it to Merika

Kwani munajiskia sukari aje

If you’ve ever been to America and encountered black Americans, you would understand. I know years of oppression has contributed to their aggressiveness as a defensive coping mechanism, but the truth is they have a very scary attitude. On average whites are much more approachable

Look no further,our resident uncle Tom from asšlanta,has beef with Chicongoians,all blekks and Obama. Lazima atuletee hotuba vile blekks are scum of the yunaires steits :D:D:D:D

Black Americans are more racist than even Whites and as a Black African Christian you are better off with fellow White Christians than those thugs.

Kwani black americans ni hindus? Acha self hate uncle ruckus

FYI those suckers are not even human beings. The only thing we share with them is skin color alone (which is unfortunate). They are racist, stubborn, rude, illiterate, crime ridden, vulgar, obstinate and disgusting. Plus they hate your African ass badly. Heri unaweza kuwa in good terms na mzungu kuliko na a nigger. Niggers are:meffi:

there was a clip-on Tiktok, i think it was about African Americans been oppressed/racism from the Whites, then an African said we stand with you. the black Americans were up in arms saying that Africans abandoned them when they were “taken” as slaves and we never even put an effort to go rescue them so there is no way we are the same.

then an African said it’s not as if those left were on beaches having fun and making merry, we were also tortured, killed, and put to farms to toil. most were surprised that that’s what happened to those who were left behind. they were/are never taught about what happened to Africans/Africa so the story they know is we never went to get them

so maybe that’s where the hate between African Americans and Africans stems from

Yeah some say we “sold” them, yet those who were “sold” were a very small minority. Majority were abducted and this really made the continent very very under-populated. I think if they care to read beyond what the mzungu provides them, they would stop being asses towards Africans and help us build a stronger African able to withstand Western imperialism like China with its Han Majority did. Anyway, that’s expecting too much from people who think about thug life, hoes and the hood

Ume sahau they are lazy and irresponsible.

It goes both ways.