WSR unsuccesful visit to Kabarak

Hustler flew to Kabarak with his itinerary only kuwekwa pending for two hours. Sadly the meeting wasn’t successful since former President Moi had a scheduled check up .Enyewe hawa watu wa dynasties have self entitlement hawatambui watoto wa peasants.

Actually gideon stopped the meeting from taking place. Its backfiring on him in RV, ok he is your elderly father and that is your family home lakini Mzee wa nyumba is free to welcome anyone if he wishes. Huyu gideon ni kama wale wanafungia wazazi wakikomaa and start dictating. It seems the only leverage he has is access to Moi. Ni sawa that immaturity is backfiring on him. DP Uncle Ruto had called to book an appointment directly. The radio chatter is moto moto.

WSR should stop exposing himself to such situations where he can be humiliated for song. Like now there was little or nothing to gain from visiting the old man

He’s starting to act desperate. Yesterday in parliament he was all over shaking M.P.s hands with a big plastic smile on his face. And from his swollen eyes one could tell the man has not been sleeping much. The quest for power.

I ain’t much of a political commentator, but on this, GMO will lose big time. WSR was going to win either way: they do The Handshake, he wins; he is denied access, he attracts sympathy (which, technically is a win).

I have painfully learnt not to trust WSR’s political intentions, however innocent.

As for now, nimejiseti kwa couch yangu comfy with a bucketful of popcorns watching the movie unfold.

Ameskia vile raia ufeel wakimgonja kwa office yake the whole day

If ruto was smart, hizo miaka tano ama kumi angefanya juu chini to outshine uhuru and be very clear he wants the seat. Kama ni uchafu ni yeye anasafisha. Very visible. Lakini sasa anaanza kubabaika kwani ni Moi atampatia kiti? Si ni sisi raiya? Impress the voter.

There is no stopping Samoei. This was a very high level meeting where the Chief of Govt protocol (He is the DP not VP) must have been actively involved so as to avoid such aibu ndogo ndogo. This is going to backfire big time on the Senator should Ruto play the hustler card, It will be an election between the two biggest tribes. Rich versus Poor. The billionaire that he is notwithstanding this chap is shrewed ta ngoma.

Ruto is not a prophet. Some situations you cant predict and in politics, you need all the mileage you can get.

munene nataka kuwa kwa campaign team ya Tano Fresh na Hustler Numero Uno. Naeza anza kuorganise mayouth mapema huku mashinani. Nipee through pass buana.

Wewe unajiona smart kushinda Ruto mbona hauko juu yake?

I’ve noticed in this village that wewe hujifanya Mr. Know-it-all. Rebuking villagers for their naive thinking, small minds et al(according to you). Let me tell you something pal, the world doesnt revolve around you, your opinion counts for s**t! Ati for those ten years Ruto ought to have outshone Uhuru? Just like Raila tried with Kibaki? Did Moi try to outshine Kenyatta? Wewe umeoutshine nani kwa hii maisha? Hebu funga hio bakuli yako!

Ruto’s moves are always calculated. A month ago through his proxies he claimed Giddy was blocking certain leaders from meeting Moi to wish him well after the Israel medical trip. This raised eyebrows in Kale RV. The DP today was just confirming. @patco, apparently the DP wasn’t trying to appease you with this visit. It was meant for his ardent followers huko RV. He was just cementing his position. Sons of Koitalel Arap Samoei didn’t block Nandi elders from seeking the old man’s wise counsel. Urban boy anajifanya kutafuta kingship ya RV yet he knows zilch about customs and traditions. The rich boy is a joke! Well played DP, well played.

WSR is the current King of the rift and Mzee is the past. He should not make it appear like he needs Moi’s blessings, he crossed that point long ago when he dethroned mzee

Fuck off! Kwani website ni ya mamako? Nitacomment vile nataka na usiniletee ujinga yako mkale mjinga wewe!

Na nani amesema huyo mjamaa wenu ni lazima akuwe rais? Kwani ni lazima atuongoze? halaa

Unaleta emotions hapa kitu gani? kwani ruto ni babako? Kwani ni lazima tumchague? mshienzi

Cant wait to join Team Hustle campaign in 2022.

Ruto should realize he is a giant…it will take uhuru a gun and bullet to drop him…let him keep on working,kiti ni take 2022

WSR all the way alafu patco natambua ni ile inatumiwa na idlers mtaani kukula mogoka

He is a politician damu. Probably knew exactly what would go down. The operational word is ‘keep working’ . Let baba Abby play any card available.

Nasikia hii beef yote ilianza pale 2007 when William, in his myopic political lunacy, forgot the hand that fed him and went all out to burn Moi’s properties. Anyway, am sure he’s now wiser and ready to be president!

I like the people respond to this RV. Sasa Gideon akikuja na hiyo kanu or presidential campaign 2022, watu watamwambia anyamaze kwanza watu wakula lunch. After an hour watamwambia wanaenda mazoezi so arudi 2032. His few supporters have now diminished from 0.1% to 0.01%