Wow! Do black men hate black women this much?

Si they divorced? Huh! Coz he was tired of her black ass c*nt.

Are you a lesbian my dear?

Women are self destructive. Zero loyalty. Although, comparatively, black women have many odds against them.

Consistency and women don’t get along. Only conveniences to suit their narrative

Something worries us about the future of the black woman in the UK. Hardly anyone shows them any interest. Most black boys date Latinos, Chinese, Asians, Whites but not our girls. This includes my nephews. One has a mixed race girl and the other one has a Latino. They used to look so miserable at work as they watched their black boys up for grabs and the white boys would watch from the sidelines as their girls were at the beck and call of the black girls.
Even our black celebrities will not be seen on the arms of black women. Don’t know how we will ever reverse this situation.
I had a convo juzi with my woman friend a mum of 2 grown girls 21 and 16. Haki she got so defensive saying that it is because black girls are disciplined and do not dish their goods willy nilly like the white ones. Could be partly true because white parents allow their young daughters to bring their boyfriends to sleep over…haki she was frothing from the sides of her mouth but it is a harsh reality. Wooishe tusichana twetu. My own nephews have told me that they will not be marrying the black girls and when I ask why? I get all sorts of reasons neither here nor there.

The only ones seemingly handling this ishu well are Naijos. Their kids intermarry very much. But this is because it is drummed into them, they are taken to those all day churches kwenye wanajuana, then manaijos have v many social functions…birthdays, naming ceremonies, wedding anniversaries…our village hall is always booked well in advance by them…

rank inakuwanga Scandinavian kwanza
alafu those jpop kpop sideways vagina puffy ami yumi shiet.

si kwa ubaya but akina laqueesha latimore johnson wako huuuuko chini