They are too scared and are not relaxed enough to explore
They believe (falsely) that they are about to lose something that is very valuable
Have never had an orgasm so when one is coming on, instead of going with the flow, they start holding back
Do not lubricate enough probably because of 1 to 3 above, so do not enjoy themselves
Have not had experience in maintaining a lickable clean self down under
Yet there is that mysterious satisfaction for both parties when she is a virgin.
Technologia mpya siku hizi allows a restoration of physical virginity, complete with a tightening.
Sooo… wouldn’t it be nice if someone comfortable with herself, experienced in bedroom athletics and orgasms were to restore her virginity for a special date?
I could consider sponsoring such an operation halafu twende inaugural date.
This is so damn true, fucking a virgin for the first time will be something that you need to do by force, otherwise huwezi toboa. After the break things will fall back in place just as you have mentioned, this time the response being negative
Cant handle their stress…ni kama kuforce ng’ombe ya kwa ushago ya @vuja de na @culture kuruka mtaro ya maji…
I handled one…but ni kama kuna jamaa ilijaribu ikashindwa…pthoo nigutee…the woman would complain mpaka mjulus inarudi kwa makagare juu ya kulose interest…I finally managed to break the barrier at 3am…all the way from 10pm, ile sweat ilikua iyo bed…wacha tu. U have to do it by force as if u are raping her :D:D otherwise nigutee
there’s this chile i fucled who was a virgin. tulishinda tumesumbuana sana. nilipiga thrust moja ya force dame alipiga nduru ingine waah. ilibaki nimeadd volume ya woofer ndo nduru isisikike