Working at a church...

Inakaa sio mchezo. Unafanyiwa hesabu ya months za mimba…

214k is very little

Mamake yesu angefanyiwa nini na hawa “wakristo?”

kwani ilikuqa tithe wanatoa.

Equivalent to 1 year salary. Not bad.

Sijui why the church is being fined for discontinuing the employment of a proven liar. Who would want to attend a church led by proven liars and sinner? Having her at leadership was an existential threat for the church

Termination of employment must strictly adhere to the procedure set out in the law. An employer who fails to adhere to those provisions is said to have unlawfully terminated the employees employment thereby inviting the intervention of the employment and labour relations court.

ooh,my bad,i was wondering how they arriced at 214 and not 250 or 200…eheh

It states clearly she should have been counseled. Giving the church a dose of its medicine: counsel, forgive, do no harm.

aren’t all churches liars and sinners? they ferk kids,steal from the masses and sleep with their flock,so hakuna noma hapo

I wouldn’t say “all.”
“Some” is a better and more accurate determiner.