Women's Social Media Status Updates

You can tell a woman has been hurt/tokwad by the status she updates.

Men are also the same: whereas a woman will post philosophical vibes, a man will go to the manosphere or the K-talk sex section and talk about being alpha and sh*t.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

True. Very. Say no more.

I once posted a thread about this ma homo waka nishambulia

Shut up. Men don’t get hurt!


Women are the Gate Keepers of SEX, Men are the Gate keepers of a RELATIONSHIP! Unless you are a Lame, you should read the signs and Exit early enough! A man’s pain at the end of a relationship is directly relative to how much masculinity he compromised…

This kijiji is being taken over by wamama…Admin tusaidie!!!

Unataka admin afanye nini?

Kwanza wewe ni Alfa ama ni Omega?

Jua hujui. Wengine apana tambua status au profile pic minimum 9 years…