i did a thread here and said hawa wanawake watatuzalia watoto jinga jinga
y’all treated me like nanuka tako
…but i keep on meeting dense women …keep on being proven right like A*
Today i have broken up with two of mi ladies:
Storo One.
My galfy, lets call her ‘1’, told me yesterday that amealikwa wedding. Me said no prob, si mimi na.make mistake ya kuoa
She goes on to say that anataka dough ya salon, I agree coz thats my job.
She calls me today, and asks for the salon money.
I say i am gonna give her 1,500bob
She said she needed 3K …n wanted a new handbag …new clothes coz she cant travel na ‘matambara’ SMH
I ask her if she’s invited to a wedding every week like citizen’s wedding show ka tutakuwa tunaspend all that. So i strike off handbag na nguo. In any case, she has nguo. Ni upus tu ndo ako nayo. I tell her al get her 1,500 and she somewhat agrees.
we continue chapaing storo
After we done, out of nowhere, fool tells me, “Ka hutatuma 2k, wacha tu ikae”
N am like ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’''fcuk? and hang-up kabla hiyo ujinga inishike.
I immediately MPESA my mum the 1,500 “ya kuku”
I text the lady and blankly like a *.txt file …bila marembesho …and tell her I cant take her shit and high-life no more. I let her know that i wont answer her txts, Wont pick her calls; we done.
I hold my end …and continuing.
Storo Two
Another galfy, we call her ‘2’, tells me ‘kuna joto sana’ as a reason why we shouldnt meet n eat jana. We go back and forth, and I agree to a meet-up leo. Wanted jana coz i got galfy ‘3’ who meets me up on sundays; my tank needs a day to refill n muscles to heal. I agree to leo nonetheless.
We chat in the morning its still leo 2pm
we chat tena masaa tano mchana hivi hivi, we still on 2pm
1:40pm i txt her, and get no response.
I chill
An hour later, she hasnt come, hasnt replied to my txt, and doesnt pick my call
Ma three pm na kitu, she doesnt pick my call, txt still not answered.
Ma four pm na kitu, i text her sayin that she should atleast respond to the text and call.
And she immediately answers that leo she was busy
I go, ‘’'fcuk???
My instincts tell me, she went to another date
And i do the goodbye text
Its all over
…now I am back to a one-woman-man
Coz ladies??? wacha tu