Women sometimes can be so blonde

Sasa, is this a question to ask? After all she’s been through she hasn’t learnt a damn thing. Kweli God cursed women with marriage. You can think marriage is a one way ticket to heaven the way women are so desperate to get married. If she never rushed into the first marriage she’d not have gotten the 2nd guy would have dumped her as he eventually did. Wamama tuache this man worship, you don’t even care about the betterment of the future of your kids through education bcz a man has proposed to you? Even if you are a single mother of 12 like Virginia, a man is not doing you a favor to marry you. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. If you are so brainwashed that you need a man, just look at men, can a man leave a job opportunity, business opportunity, education opportunity so as to be with you. Tujipende please. You are the most important person in your life. You come first. Not him @Finest wine come see how stupid Kenyan women can be.

Aki I’m a stressed up lady. I really need advice on what decision to make. Sobre advices only kindly.

I’m 27yrs old. I unfortunately got paged immediately after high school,I decided to get married immediately to the guy before the pregnancy showed up. Immediately when my baby was 10months old,I got another pregnancy hence bringing up the two kids like twins. Unfortunately my marriage came to an end in 2019 due to infidelity issues. Early this year I’ve found a boyfriend with whom we have an age difference of 2yrs, he’s 29. He truly loves me n has even gone ahead to introduce me to his family and church. He really wants us to settle down late this year. During the kuccps application for 2020/2021 students n luckily today I’ve been selected to join one of the universities. The problem now comes here. I’ve shared with my boyfriend about this thing of going back to school n he’s insisting that I should only go to school after settling down with him. When I tried telling him that kuccps can only grant a person one chance,n once it’s forfeited,it can never come again, he’s saying that he won’t be able to wait for me for all those 3yrs of schooling. What do I do? I truly love him and I don’t wish to loose him,n on the other hand I equally wish to build up my career.
Kindly advice me coz I’m going crazy.

Truman you are a violent feminist, stop misleading women. A career or education doesn’t love you back. The role of the traditional man was and has been provider and protector. That of the woman was caregiver and homemaker.

Why do you want the curse handed to Adam while you still can’t handle the one given to Eve?

LOL. It’ll more than love you back. It will feed you and put a roof over your head and educate your kids. Get a daughter and tell her to quit school so that she can get married.

Why isn’t your stance applicable to men. That their jobs and education won’t love them back. I’ve told you so called marriage is used as a weapon of subjugation against women.

Even the champion of mehn are the price. Mama Nyaguthie knows that her sugar baby is with her purely based on what she has to offer materially and she will always say I have my own money and job. She is not the sharpest tool in the box but she knows what her priorities are and her job and having her own money comes first.

If it’s not handled there wouldn’t be 7 billion people on the planet dumbo

That is as a result of men’s hard work.

If I ever get a daughter she will get basic education. University no! I have seen this too many times girls who have been brought up in a stable christian family who were perfect wife material getting turning into complete garden tools overnight when they join college.

1 minute hard work nah?

Good luck with that mgtow

Calling her a blonde is even respectful Kapote.
Let this one get back into the frying pan , add butter,onions and spices and fry herself once more. If I knew her I would punch her in the face.

Do you know this lady who was in Saudi, the woman has 6 kids with different men bcz she was jumping from one marriage to another and giving birth for all those guys. Some women are too brainwashed that men take advantage of their gullible nature if after 2 kids you haven’t realized a man is not a savior, you can not be helped.

I don’t know where you get the energy to watch these things . The more you watch them the more you become disappointed in humanity.

I don’t know who will tell today’s women that the generation of kina our dads is long long gone. The sole providers. This one needs a public flogging ndio aone kwenye anaelekea na hao watoto wawili. You know I have always told you that a mum, yaani a woman with kids has no bargaining power when it comes starting a fresh. There is no room for a man in her life. She needs to study hard and fend for her children
Nini mbaya na sisi jameni?
BTW niliona mwingine on Kagoni this week…a Mmeru whose x-hubby took ‘joint’ bank loans without her consent…just when I think I have heard it all another one crawls from the woodworks with a horrible story.
Today’s man needs a very smart woman with sharp nostrils za kusense conmanship…

Lemme go look for it. In Kenya these loan manenos are just at an alarming level until you wonder if men held a meeting to agree on how to extort loans from women. Whenever I see joint account I see the devil, men drain those accounts like there’s no tomorrow. One day the lady checks the account and finds nada.

Ndio huyu hapa…

Meanwhile Virginia has rescued a young mama …she is in her former firirinda church, alinyang’anywa watoto and a ‘Tabitha’ is now in her house…same same scenario. So nafuatilia progress huko kwa makini sana. Looks like Virginia will need to open a rescue centre for our women and children. Virginia is lucky that she has the backing of very money women both in Kenya and in the diaspora.
Enda uone YT if you haven’t.
The girl is currently admitted in hospital.