Entitlement galore
Most female sports are like watching paint dry ! Funny they want to earn as much as the men eg WNBA or whatever it’s called boring as F***
Only in the UFC ( and beach volley ball [SIZE=1]for obvious reasons [/SIZE][SIZE=4]) Do women get equal viewership to men simply because they are entertaining ! [/SIZE]
ma players wengi ni singo mathaz
Na tennis?
Na dykes
Women’s football ni kama kuwatch watoi wa primo wakicheza. Mablunder zingine basic, they should be happy we let them play at all.
they want to earn equally yet they don’t have viewership which they can’t force, they forget in entertainment, viewership matters, attract viewers, the pay will be huge just like female porn stars who are paid more than their male counterparts because they attract more viewers.
Wow how shallow of a man could you possibly be to get offended by a women’s world cup ad? The message is obvious they want female football to be taken seriously and create role models to future female generations, I agree they are relatively weaker than their male counterparts but that doesn’t mean they can’t put on a good match.
I want females to be seen professionally in all aspects of life in order for them to have more options besides being maids or prostitutes or some lazy housewife, your daughter could end up in either of these categories so I don’t see why people here hate being progressive.
I will force myself to watch Brazil vs Jamaica tomorrow.
Betamale detected
women football is taken very seriously but what they lack is just viewership, if you can see the type of facilities us and Germany team have ,you’ll be surprised.Go to Twitter and see women rant why they’re not paid equally like men in football yet they don’t have viewers.
Female tennis viewership haifikii mens.
I thought it was tha perfect opportunity ya kusafisha mecho.
Women beach volleyball…can watch but only for too long…
F*** your progression
First few minutes and then after that ni kuboeka kama game haibambi.
The reason why women football, basketball etc players don’t get paid as much as the male counterparts is due to viewership and viewership ain’t there isn’t because of sexism or any other -isms even females don’t want to watch that shit… it’s because no one wants to sit down and watch an ordinary game, average or below average skills (compared to males). We want to see extraordinary, superhero kind of thing where players push the limits of human’s physical ability to remind us the capabilities of our mortal bodies. That’s what makes competitive sports entertaining, interesting and Worth to watch. In football, men have established a quite high standards hence it becomes difficult to derive interest in female football since it doesn’t even come close to what we are used to… That’s the reality
Women wanafaa kujua men are the dominant species among the human race
Women should be submissive to men because facts tend to favour that men will dominate over women
There is a reason why a man is the head of the home not the woman
Every aspect of life is dominated by men
[li]The entertainment industry. Men are the highest paid over women.[/li][li]World Economy and business kama the top ten richest billionaires every one is a man [/li][li]Sports Kama top 10 earning sport players Ni men na top earning sporting events are men events Kama FI, World cup, SuperBowl [/li][li]Politics Kama most elections are won by men. Hata majority of presidents are men ama monarchs Kama zote Ni men leading[/li][li]Science Kama majority of Discovery and inventions from men[/li][/ol]
Wahenga walisema it ain’t bragging, if you can back it up
Until the day women decide to abort all male foetus