I saw another one who paid her mom’s dowry, her mother in laws and her own dowry. Alafu wedding. Wajameni. And as you can imagine the man lost all respect for her and the marriage failed few months after. Meanwhile me here ata tuu soo tano siwesimeki. Kweli people are tifereent. Niombee tuu soo tano uone vile nitakublock hadi ni block mamako. This being nice girl itapiga warembo character development kweli kweli. You pay dowry for 3 people, ur mom, ur inlaws and urself,just to get married, you buy the ring, you pay for the wedding. Heh!!! Hii nguvu yote watu hutoa wapi? SMH. Lobola is dowry in SA. I really love their accent.
The man is the ultimate prize you airhead
This happens in Gĩkũyũland. Say, a single mum has a daughter who is to be married. Since the single mum was not married and bride price paid, she cannot also receive the bride price for the daughter. So she has to marry herself by paying bride price to her parents so that she can go ahead and receive bride price for her daughter. Same if her dad never paid bride price for her mum, she cannot receive bride price for her daughter. It becomes more absurd, if a dad never paid bride price, he cannot receive any bride price for any of his daughters.
:D:D:D lakini siku hizi men are becoming too much with these ’ I need a favor’ smses.
You meet someone today then tomorrow ashaanza za ovyo.
Sms ya I need a favor from a man si nikuomba BJ ama quickie dea what else can a man need a favor from a holebearer?
Nini itafanyika ukichukua dowry?
Airhead? I don’t see you having a PhD bruh. You can not hold a candle to me. Just coz I talk to you doesn’t mean we are in the same class socio economic wise, academically or any other llically, don’t get it twisted. Plus if you are the prize why is it always you begging me for sex and why is it that even in the depression when the economy is going under men still see go visit prostitutes and pay them for sex? If you stopped thinking with your penis and listening to that cultic crap for losers who can’t get women bcz they’re shit, you gotta ask yourself how, prostitution is the oldest profession, with its men paying women to have sex with them. If you actually have critical thinking skills you would have figured it out bcz even in a patriarchal world a woman will never pay a man for sex. Meanwhile men pay for sex so much now that even straight men are becoming gey for pay. If you want to win an asinine argument pick somebody as blonde as you bruh. I will win an argument based on pure logic hand over fist any day with you brainwashed low IQ sods. I’m not those dumbass women you are used to. A woman needs to be a Hella dumb to date you bcz first of all you are gey as hell and you are trying to hide it by pretending to be this macho guy who talks shit to women. Keep it on the down low and nobody has to know. Bye Beach.
Ni sisi tumewaharibu, we are too easy with our money so these men are now super entitled. The first sign that a man ain’t shit is a man asking a woman for money. Me I don’t entertain that nonsense. Where is your pride as a man to be begging different women for money, for a car, for a place to stay? I have a hard time understanding how men fell to the level they’re in now. Next thing you know hata bulb watakuua wanatuita we change for them. We are not doing them any favors by spoiling them, we are destroying their initiative and drive and masculinity. They are now all becoming mama’s boys. So effeminate.
Seriously?Am a PhD finalist in population statistics buana.I also have an MBA,not to mention am a chartered marketer and a project management professional.Currently my business card reads Enigma Agwambo CIM,PMP.From September 2022 business cards will read Dr Enigma Agwambo CIM,PMP.
Back to the topic at hand.When I ask you for sex,doesn’t mean I want you,am just curious to find out if old post wall,sick airheaded women moan the same way as regular chicks or the same way as regular lanyes.Besides,the Enigma loves rough violent sex which am sure I will get enough of as I explore your dorsal orifice.
If I succeed at dipping my deek in your dorsal orifice you will be the dumbest woman I have deeked in my 372 body count.
I am even surprised you would even dare to deek this old bitter woman, no one does :D:D:D
A curse
In fact, women ndio hufeel entitled to men’s money. And I suspect you know that very well.
Mtu Hata hana salamu, anaenda direct to the point kama shylock. Mimi ukiona WhatsApp yangu and I suspect for many other men, utashangaa sana.
Alafu, they never pay you back.
Ati ooohh mtoto hana school fees, oooh gas imeisha. Na saa hio you are at best aquitances.
Rafiki ya Rafiki yako kind of thing.
Mtu anadhani because she is a woman, every mutual male acquitance is a potential source of money.
Huku job wanakujanga na useless side hustles ati anauza curtains, viatu, sijui kitchen ware, perfume - at ridiculously exorbitant prices btw.
Yaani if you don’t buy from her, then ako na beef na wewe from then on.
Sometimes I think women have a low capacity to feel shame as far as money etiquette is concerned.
Maze two weeks ago nimeenda pale omega shop ya kuuza miwani pale Hurlingham.Nikapimwa,nikapeana kadi ya insurance nikaambiwa wameitisha lens naeza kujia specs the following day.Nilishangaa sana kufika home nareceive WhatsApp ya huyo mama akisema kindly mpesa me 2k will refund by Friday.After 30minutes akafwata na I know you cant miss to have 2k,please reply if possible.Nilishangaa sana kwanza about the entitlement from someone who I just met for the first time.The following day I went and picked the specs.None of us raised the issue.Wanawake ni ovyo sana.Am sure ningemwambia nimkule Halafu nimpatie 2k angekuwa offended.
Hata female bank tellers wako ivo…akiona zile pesa unatransact unaona mtu anacucall ivo tu na requests za pesa.
Anaanzanga na story za customer care before ghassia ianze to check your profile on LinkedIn.
Yaani connecting on LinkedIn peke yake ndio inampatia courage ya kuomba pesa. Nkt…
FOR women it is very OK but mwanaume ni kujitegemea.It’s demeaning to ask for money from women. Even me I don’t pay back money from men, only once did I refund money bcz I broke up with a guy and he was trying to get back with me via my mom, whose number he stole from my phone when I went to the powder room and left it on the table. I refunded his cash and asked him to leave my mother alone. I also blocked him in my phone and her phone.
Even men you are not romantically involved with, bado huwalipi pesa zao ? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
No. It was not a loan. I asked for money and they gave me, like do you have x amount on you? Yes, they give it and I say thanks and that’s the end of it, there was no agreement that I would pay it back and they’ve never asked for it back. It’s usually not much anyway so… it’s no biggie to them.