Guys, we need to talk about this issue. It is becoming clearer that the society has over-empowered the Girl child at the expense of the Boy child. Such is evident from the fact that currently, a female graduate has a high chance of getting employed in Kenya - about 2 or 3 times higher than the male graduate. Let me bring it into abetter perspective; among the group that I graduated with, i’d approximate that only 10-15% of the men have landed employment to date while 60-80% of women are currently employed - 30% having being employed within the first year of their graduation.
I have also observed that female employees who quit their jobs do not stay unemployed for very long before finding another job, meaning that they have a high employability rate. Last year alone, I noted that a lady friend of mine quit 3 jobs and is at another job this year. Same trends I have noted among 4 or 5 other friends, thus while holding a casual conversation with the boys, I always tell them never to compare/gauge their progress with women in their age-group or they’ll end up being greatly disappointed.
This is a worrying trend which I believe will have unintended consequences in the near future.
Some of the effects of the over-empowerment are:
-Increased crime rate mainly targeting the ‘privileged group’
-High divorce rate and dysfunctional families
-Dead beat dads given their inability to fend for their offspring
Let’s not forget that men are critically judged by themselves, their elders, peers and mostly by women and the societal expectation often pushes most men to alcoholism as they look for a way to deal with this pressure.
Ukweli mtupu…look at hii kitu I loathe the most "kilimani moms"including men who go there to C&P upuss hapa…they just target the same men they expect to provide . At this rate we will be extinct
Ni wanaume gani mnaongea juu yao? ni wale mimi huona hapa wakiuliza recommendations for the best series to watch? ama wale hupiga picha za fangi wanaweka hapa kutuonyesha vile weekend yao iko fyam? ama wale ukim-connect apate job mahali ana-work on commissions akipata check ana-disappear kulewa mpaka hiyo pesa iishe ndiyo atakumbuka anakuwaga job? Mtu akiamka monday facebook ndio zao kutangazia people who do not care vile walilewa na kupoteza pesa yao kwa bets?
Tuambianeni ukweli. Wanaume tuamke tupatiane changamoto tuwache kuwa managu ambao they are ready to blame everyone else and systems except ourselves…let’s start by feeding our brains with real knowledge - we are killing our brains with silly movies and mind-numbing games on playstations and phones…
What you forget is that it isn’t women who are making this happen, it’s men. The question should be why do we abandon fellow men when the need help while women set up chamas to help each other out? Why aren’t we mentoring boys the way women who have succeeded go to girls’ high schools to mentor women. Even though men have higher positions of power when we get to the top we lock the door behind us because everything for us is a competition. We expect that because we had it rough making it to the top that young men and boys should also have it rough so we don’t teach them new things about the world they have to learn it the hard way. Women are helping each other out but men are only happy to help women. If you look at parliament it’s men who make up the largest part but they only pass bills to help women. We should be helping each other badala ya kuonea wengine wivu. Men are still at the top and if we helped each other the way women are then none of this would be happening.
To expand on my point above, consider a sector like tech. Most tech guys were men, they still are the majority. However all I ever see are initiatives to help girls learn to code or use arduinos. The men are the ones who are refusing to uplift boys the way they are girls. In a venture like akira chicks utapata kuna men teaching women lakini no man will even help out men who want to learn. At the end of the day the people at the top are to blame and they are the ones who are causing this inbalance and most of those people are men.
then why are we lamenting about them? i only gave my diagnosis of what is hindering our young men…and i should behave like a not-so-guka because i am one…
White Knight, the same women do these things. Actually, they are the worst party animals , they also take pictures of their drinks kila weekend and post on instagram, they also post bullshit on Facebook on how their weekend was. Let us not look for petty reasons to deviate the main issue in this thread…the boy child is neglected.
@gashwin amenena something interesting I noticed in class, women rarely skip class while mjamaa ako bar anakwambia umforwardie notes kwa mail and majamaas mostly do the bare minimum to pass while women do much more
Helmet? Let’s see how many counter this objectively. People consistently on self-destruction mode yet blame everyone and everything else but themselves.
@gashwin, what is pushing men into the things you’ve listed above? Especially alcoholism, ain’t it desperation and frustration with what is going on? Unemployment and poverty.
Lakini usisahau he is getting neglected by men. A woman has no business raising a boy into a man. Feminism didn’t cause this. It’s the competition and selfishness of men that did. How many dead beats do we have in ktalk who will complain about this issue lakini wanakataa kulea their sons. Who will raise that boy, a woman?
Sir, please let’s not start apportioning labels. the problem is the travails of the boy child. women party and post their arsses on FB and IG. at the end of the day there will be a man ready to finance their lifestyle for favours renedered…but how do we get the boy child out of where he is? Focus.