May God prevent this kind of ‘love’ from EVER locating me. I’d much rather be a very bitter feminist than being driven to kill my own children by some silly chimpanzee. What is this now? Let me continue hating men so that I can keep off them and by doing so protecting the little sanity I have left. Riswa!
Good riddance the world has no place for fools.
Nina rela alioa mboch, wacha kugonga tu, na akaambia bibi atulie. Bibi alikunja ngumi kwa mfuko na life ikaendelea. Kama jamaa anaprovide, complaints ni za nini? Pia kusema ukweli, tulimuelewa kama wanaume juu mboch alikuwa muoto mbaya.
Shida mwanamke ukimuoa she thinks she is your peer since you share same bed. You are the one taking shots
And life goes on !
Mboch anagawa slices poa
Yeah I think hii kuwa in close proximity kila saa na Bibi ndio inaleta mazoeano. Familiarity breeds contempt they say.
Me nikioa I must have a separate bedroom na Bibi yake. Nikitaka pare pare naenda namtomba then I go back to my room
Women are just big children kama hizi ndio decisions they make, the male animal is naturally/biologically polygamous.
But huyo mama angalau angeua basi boy atuwachie huyo dem.
That’s how I became single, I tried that in my last relationship
Good looking kids life cut short by a selfish woman.
Matatizo ya monogamous families.
Omwami Ako na enough sperms to get more children
how did it work out??
“she didn’t want her children to be left alone with the man”
Why does this sound rational to me? Mama wa kambo huwa bad news. Always.
I hope mtaelewa when the new wife marries the shamba boy.
Blame women as usual
Blame the victim as usual sindio? But if the man does the same you will really defend him. This is why siezi fanya mistake to trust a man. He’ll drive you up the wall after umemzalia and then nobody will blame him for it. Wacha kila MTU apambane na hali Yake kivyake.
BTW why do women use the terms like “I fell pregnant for him”? What reasoning is this??? I find it silly…
Pregnancy you have not planned for, is a fall, it’s like falling in love. It happens unexpectedly
So you kill them… Because you can’t divorce and raise them alone…