I’m saying, to me I find the uncovered too foul, offensive to all senses and abominable… I’m serious. And definitely, this negates any feelings of admiring outer beauties
Pasua closet mos mos bila kusumbua
You are what you attract
Yet you’re Babuon’s number one Ambassadeur? OK
Gaylord 12 bado hujafa?
Enda room 254 @Atwoli anakungoia
Closet ipasuliwe
Women are wonderful, loving, fiery, soft, cuddly, nurturers, nice smelling, kindhearted and made of all things sugar sweet and spicy. As nature intended them to be. Trouble starts when they deviate from what nature intended. There is nothing sexier than a woman in her natural habitat. In the same vein, there is nothing more crude than a woman who has refused to play the role her gender meant her to play.
Whether covered or uncovered…live you fucking life and leave others to live theres’…you are an abomination…stupod wahabist…
Chapa hiyo closet na RPG,IED na B-29 bomber all combined.
Sasa nyinyi woote,mmekuja hapa kuongea na mtu anajiongelesha…
Hii ni closet vandalism.
Those are the qualities they show to men. Its not what they are limited to ( in terms of qualities). The challenge is to spot whats underneath.