For the bundles challenged Case Study ndio hiyo. The guy called Milo Florez drove the 2 killers to the murder scene and gave them knives and axes that they used to kill a pastor and 2 teenagers .He was not charged as an accomplice.
THE DEVIL WANTS THEIR SOULS’ [SIZE=7]This 17-year-old became the youngest person on death row following a bloody, drug-fuelled Satanic rampage that saw three murdered in their beds[/SIZE]
The chilling true story of three innocent people murdered in their sleep, an upside-down crucifix and a 16-year old killer who claimed to be the son of Satan
By George Harrison
19th June 2018, 5:45 pm
Updated: 19th June 2018, 5:46 pm
THE night started typically enough for classmates Miguel Martinez and Miguel Venegas. The rowdy teenagers were on a school break, passing the time by doing drugs at their friends’ house.
But by the time the sun came up, three lives had been taken in their Satanic rampage - the victims’ skulls caved in by an axe and their bodies covered in stab wounds.
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Miguel Martinez earned himself a death sentence for his role in a Satanic massacre
Now, documentary series I Am A Killer is revisiting that night to tell the story of the teenagers’ horrific massacre - carried out under orders, according to one boy, from the devil himself.
It all started with Martinez, 17, and Venegas, 16, hanging out at 16-year-old schoolmate Milo Flores’ house in Laredo, Texas, where they were drinking beers, doing drugs and playing computer games.
But Venegas - who was convinced he was “the son of the devil” from the age of eight - was getting more hyperactive as the night went on, and before long he was bored and desperate to go out and rob someone.
The boys settled on an easy target - local baptist minister James Smiley, a 33-year-old Good Samaritan who Martinez used to work for. The boys knew he lived alone, and they plotted their robbery as he slept.
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Miguel Martinez, left, and Miguel Venegas were just 17 and 16 when they embarked on their deadly rampage[SIZE=6]A deadly dare[/SIZE]
Venegas insisted they take some weapons from Flores’ garage before they set off, picking out a knife and a heavy wood-cutting axe for himself.
Talking about that blood-soaked night on the documentary, Venegas, now 43, says: “I said, ‘why don’t we just kill the dude?’ They said ‘you won’t do that’. But a dare is a dare.”
When Venegas and Martinez crept up to Smiley’s window, they were expecting to see an empty living room, but Smiley had two guests over that night.
Speaking from the visitation room in a Texas prison, Martinez says: “Venegas was on a mission and it was not to go steal anything. To him, he was on a mission for Satan - Satan wanted their souls. I was scared of him at that point.”
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Local baptist minister and Martinez’s former boss James Smiley was chosen as the perfect person to rob
Martinez isn’t exaggerating - Venegas had been rambling about the devil that night, and now, armed with an axe, he found himself in Smiley’s living room with a defenceless stranger sleeping on the sofa, completely at his mercy.
“We go to the windows and I see three dudes in there,” Venegas says. He’s wearing a prison jumpsuit and a slight, sinister smile as he recalls the seconds before he committed his first murder.
"Now everything’s changed. I have to kill these three people. Then I remember when I was younger. And I say: ‘More souls to the devil.’
“The guy wakes up and he looks at me and he goes back to sleep. I’m thinking ‘the devil’s got my back’.”
At that, and completely unprovoked, Venegas brought his axe down on the man’s skull, before drawing a knife and stabbing his gut repeatedly, sending blood gushing over the floor.
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Venegas started his rampage by murdering a man sleeping on the living room sofa[SIZE=6]In service of the devil[/SIZE]
Martinez keeps a poker face as he recalls what happened next. He says: "When we got to the house, I had a bad feeling. My thoughts were to get away.
"The part I remember is Venegas looking up at me with the knife and telling me it was my turn [to stab the corpse].
“I unfolded my knife, looked at the body there, stabbed it and walked to the back yard.”
While Martinez was throwing up outside, Venegas continued his rampage alone, searching every room in the house for more potential victims.
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I Am A Killer brings you face to face with death row inmates convicted of murder in America
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Martinez had to go outside to be sick after Venegas told him to stab the man’s corpse
First, he found someone sleeping in the guest bedroom, and frantically started pumping his knife in and out of his victim’s stomach.
By the time he even realised that he was standing over a child’s corpse, Venegas was in too deep to stop.
He then crept into the master bedroom and murdered Smiley with the axe, before spotting a crucifix on the bedside table.
Venegas turned the Christian symbol upside-down - a final act in service of the devil - and left the house with Martinez, stealing a TV and Smiley’s car on the way out.
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While on his rampage, Venegas turned Smiley’s crucifix upside-down
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The spate of killings took Venegas throughout the entire house[SIZE=6]Horror in the community[/SIZE]
Martinez had known Smiley well. As well as giving him a job, the minister had taken him on as a kind of personal project, acting as a father figure to the troubled teen and trying to help him make something of his life.
“He took an interest in me,” Martinez, says. “It think he saw somebody who needed a father and who was disadvantaged.”
Locals say this was typical of Smiley: he was selfless and quick to help others, and he was close enough to Martinez that he had even given him a spare house key, inviting him to stay over if he ever needed somewhere to crash.
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Martinez was slapped with the death penalty for his role in the crime
Smiley’s trust in Martinez was fatal, and it was this key which the teenagers used to let themselves into his house on the fateful evening of January 17, 1991.
The two other bodies were identified as 20-year-old Ruben Martinez and 14-year-old Daniel Duenez, both from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
It’s not known what connection they had to Smiley, but it was possible that he was helping the two immigrants to find their feet after crossing the nearby Mexican border.
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A friend of Martinez, Milo Flores, told police that they had committed the crime
It wasn’t long before Flores - the son of the state district judge - told police that his friends carried out the murders using weapons taken from his house, and Martinez was arrested and sentenced to death in 1992.
Though he hadn’t struck the final blows, Martinez was “party” to planning and executing the crime - and once sentenced, at 17, he became the youngest person to be sent to Texas’ death row.
[SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][FONT=verdana]Milo Flores admitted supplying weapons and driving Venegas and Martinez to Smiley’s neighbourhood, but was not charged by police.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Vanegas, was sentenced to 41 years in prison, dodging the needle only because he was 16 when he committed the murders.
A decade later, in 2002, Martinez’s sentence was commuted to reflect his lesser role in the crime, and he was given life in prison instead.
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Venegas is still in prison, serving a 41-year sentence for the murders
Meanwhile, the case had sent terrible waves throughout the deeply religious Laredo community, and this was only worsened when Vanegas claimed Smiley was a paedophile as part of his defence.
According to the young murderer, Smiley had tried to take advantage of Martinez and other local boys - a claim which there was never any evidence to prove, and a sick lie according to Smiley’s friends and the state prosecutor who handled Vanegas’ case.
This comes up on the documentary, and Martinez chokes up when he is asked about why they targeted Smiley’s house.
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Martinez chokes up when he remembers the night of the crime
“There are still some things which I, personally, haven’t completely dealt with,” he says.
"For so many years it seems like a way for me to deal with this has been to take myself to the side and think about the other people involved.
“Whatever happened to me was just a small thing. I can handle that and I’ll deal with it.”