Woi! Maribe being charged with Murder- lets pray for this girl,pregnant and in jail-too sad

Jiombee kwanza kabla ya kuombea Maribe. You need help obviously!

Hehe… sounds like you used to work in Nyayo House 25th floor during Moi’s time

Like I said before, I have no stake in that case. Unlike the tax vote where I had coins to loose.

I thought they are still looking for the knife and keys?

Hii jamaa siwezi kumhurumia… not one iota. Hio ni ujinga tupu alifanya. Let him spend the rest of his life as someones bitch in prison

Which help do I need ? Not jumping to conclusions before reading things like you’d expect someone who went to school to do? Anyway, you’re the Moderator am sure you know who needs help OBVIOUSLY


Next time help me choose, will you??

No thanks! Dont want to be an accomplice to ‘murder’!


You are dumber than I expected…

Who knew you’re an IQ test? Goodbye Madam.


Chukua like.

Wahenga wakwetu husema inzi na umma; sawa. Panapotokea mkasa badala ya majonzi, wao hushangilia. Sote ni wahalifu. Ingefikia ni kufungwa wengine hapa wako na life sentense kumi. Ni vile tu hawajulikani wakakamatwa. Nawaombea hawa wakora wawili mungu awarehemu, hasa huyu mja mzito.

Vile muguruki amerudi hapa hatutapumua. Half of the threads today ni zake.

Huh? What… This some redman shit… Frfr you just described this whole music vid intro…couldnt stop that scene coming to. Mind …


Finally, the gravity of the matter has sunk home…


Siku ile akiwa na babake, huku babake akizuia watu kumpiga picha, Maribe alimwambia babake kwa madharau. ‘wacha tu! Wachana nao wafurahi!’ Look again and listen to that video. Inaitwa hubris!


Aaaaah no! We can’t read all this crap on a Friday!

With one witness, Maribe’s goose is cooked. DPP doesn’t need two witnesses and believes that he has enough to put away both for life. Hizo crocodile tears analia after kuchoma kanzu/evidence, $60000 kupatikana kwake, kudanganya DCI etc hakuna mtu atamhurumia. They should get what any other murderer gets. Iwe funzo kwa slay queens who think pussy can buy freedom and Ben 10s who don’t want to work hard for the life they post on Instagram. Kuna other suspects kwa hii kesi but I think they were smart enough to disappear wakati kalinuka.