Wode Maya dating Miss Trudy

Why would wode Maya date her? She is a bedwench just like many kenyan women. Some month ago she was opening her legs for a random jungu she meet at an airport and uploading it on youtube while they were in bed 24h later for everyone to see, at the same time she was leading us to believe she was dating Wode Maya… Wode Maya can do better and deserves better, to sad he doesn’t see it at the moment. We want africans to be with other genuin africans and not tainted african bedwench women like this kenyan women Miss Trudy.


With Wode Maya looks, he should take anything that pays attention

Even a stone

@Bingwa Scrotum

shut up you zoomali

Ohh my bad… forgot y’all look like him

Who are these now?

Uglies from Uglistan

Sawa nail

Wode is a great guy. Good documentaries from him. Don’t know the girl.

The bigger question is, why do you care?

Huyo mujama ametoka mbali . .But he has peaked


He is a self professed Wakandan. He actually relates everything happening in Africa to that dumb Hollywood movie.

Wankandan? lol… Just because i have a picture of Chadwick Boseman? hehe… You low iq blacks…

Sawasawa batoto bayange

hehe, low iq bonobo :D:D:D

Is this an insult?

no, i dont throw insults, never. Everything i write is nothing more than the truth of how i see it, which is that you are a low IQ bonobo.

What achievements of yours makes you better than me?

I dont care about your achievements, You are free to do what you want with your life. Also learn to follow thread topic instead of going in a thread and writing low IQ stuff which doesn’t relate to the thread issue.

You should know people young man!