with Gaddafi...............


Could he have told China to stop mistreating Africans without beating around,i guese he could send a jet to fly all blacks to Africa?Ethiopia seems to be wobbly in supporting Kenya despite a decades old defense pact,Qaddafi could have backed Kenya to achieve peace in Somalia,after all he would love to see Muslim brothers at
peace besides it bolstering his pet project of a united africa.

This guy is the closest Africa ever got to having a leader who was for the people. A loud minority led him to give Clinton a motive to kill him, but today the very same Libyans regret what they did to him

Even the guy who was laughing and jumping around with his gun alipitishwa pole ya fence kwa mcoondito, similar stories are in circulation of other famous actors in the tragedy

Towards the end some guy says if the same events were to happen again,hwe would fight for Gaddafi

Funny you should mention the gun guy,apparently he was a celebrity by default. During the skirmish at Sirte,gaddafi getting busted and going thru teambuilding,the guy appears out of nowhere brandishing the golden gun and immediately everyone thinks he’s the one that got el jeffe, he took credit for shooting the dictator. The boy,mohammed al bibi,now a man and a NY yankees supporter,is still around and so is the gun with his aanko pale Misrata

Tragic. They didn’t know what they had till it was gone

Sorry, I keep confusing him with this guy, Shabaan

Fact remains the vast majority of Africans think of Gaddafi was just another bad guy like saddam.

And have no idea of his plans that made them kill him

I think we tend to look at this guy through rose tinted lenses just because he was killed by the big bad US government. Let’s remember that Gaddafi was an Arab and the Arabs sold us as slaves. Its highly unlikely that he had visions of blacks being equals in his utopian society run by a gold-backed currency. He seemed open to meeting with black politicians and delegations but so are the Saudis, Qataris and Emiratis, then when our people go there for work they’re treated like slaves. Who’s to say blacks wouldn’t be in the same position in his United States of Africa? Anyway he’s dead now, we will never know what this continent could have been had Gaddafi been successful.

Gaddafi is responsible for the wars in Liberia,Sierra Leone ,Sudan chad among others

They had a vendetta against him for lockerbie panAM bombing.

Ni mingi
Shootings in Berlin and london

france was so committed to killing him …france is the devil banae !

And what have your so called Black leaders given you since independence???, I don’t see any African leader that comes close to Gadaffi…

B.s , Those countries were led by puppets I would have done the same if I was in his position.

You have the mentality of a slave trying to justify why one master is better than another. Bondage is bondage. If you’re happier being a second class citizen under an Arab than an African then that’s you. Don’t expect others to have the same defeatist mindset.

Libyans betrayed Gaddafi, just the same way most Kenyan voters betray Kenya. Kenyan and Libyan plights are just different faces and phases of the same war.